Leadership Thoughts On Joe Biden And The Vice Presidential Debate

Courtesy: RollingStone.com and Google Images

This is the first political post I have ever written.  I follow politics but never discuss it because of its polarizing and divisive nature.  However, the behavior of Vice President Joe Biden during the recent Vice Presidential debate was absolutely horrifying

Whether you think Vice President Biden won the debate or not, whether you are Democrat or Republican, or whether you plan on voting for President Obama or Governor Romney, is not the question.  The question I have is what do you think of Vice President Biden’s behavior as a leader?

As I watched the debate unfold, I kept wondering how Mr. Biden’s behavior would be received in a leadership meeting at a church or business.  How would his facial gestures, body language, talking over others, finger-pointing, laughter, and condescending attitude be received by other leaders in the room?  

If Vice President Biden acted this way in our church’s elder meeting, staff meeting, or an executive meeting at ISS, he would have been sharply rebuked at a minimum, asked to leave and never invited back to a leadership meeting most likely, and probably terminated.  If you don’t think I’m right, try doing what he did at YOUR next leadership meeting. See how it turns out. 

It was then that I became horrified.  I ask you, if that behavior would not be tolerated at an average church or business, why do we tolerate it at the highest levels of leadership of our country?  Why do expect more from ourselves and those we serve beside every day than we do the highest offices in the land?

You may excuse Vice President Biden’s behavior as frustration over Congressman Ryan’s “inaccuracies”.  If this is you, I want to remind you that embedded in effective servant leadership is healthy debate and wrestling with tensions but done so with dignity, class, and civility. 

I am not telling you who to vote for.  It has been proven that VP debates do not greatly impact presidential elections.  Who you vote for is your decision.  However, I think no matter what side of the aisle we may stand on, the time has come for ALL Americans to scream “ENOUGH!!!!  We want LEADERS to act like LEADERS!!!”” 

I welcome healthy debate.  However, I simply have no hope or confidence that I will see it in the final two presidential debates.  Maybe I will be proven wrong.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.