25 Quotes And Lessons From Louie Giglio At Passion 2013

Louie Giglio, Senior Pastor of Passion City Church and one of the point leaders of the Passion movement, just delivered an incredible message to over 60,000 students at the Georgia Dome.  Watching it online is just mesmerizing.  I cannot even begin to imagine what it is like during worship music set in that place.  Lives were changed tonight.

You can watch the conference live throughout the week at http://live.268generation.com and join the conversation on Twitter at #Passion2013.   Now on to Louie’s comments:

  • “This is really happening.”
  • “Everything thing we’re doing is coming out of the living Word of God.”
  • “We believe in the God who does immeasurably more.”
  • “God had a heartbeat for 18-25 years old…the vast majority of whom don’t have a clue why they are on this planet.”
  • “I am the God of immeasurably more.” – what God said to Louie after seeing a clip of 60,000 college students gathered in Seoul, Korea in 1996.
  • “I’m looking at another stadium of 60,000 people and I believe God is a God of immeasurably more.”
  • “When we are foolish God intervenes.”
  • “We get into captivity because of our foolishness and we are more foolish that we want to admit.”
  • “It is because of our foolishness that we forget who God is.”
  • “When God breathes He breathes on hard-hearted people.”
  • “I like that about God.  He is always leaning in with tricky questions…He is gauging our understanding of Him.”
  • “Whenever God asks you a question, it’s always a wise answer to say, “Our sovereign Lord, only You know.'”
  • “Things can be going crazy and Jesus has an amazing ability to focus in that moment…It doesn’t matter what’s going on in the Metro Atlanta right now.  Jesus can be focused on what’s going on in your world.”
  • “Your life may be messed and your foolishness may have put you into captivity but Jesus can do the whatever it is that is immeasurably more in your life.”
  • “Ezekiel’s Lord was big.”
  • “Jesus is great!  He glows like fire!  He is radiant in His glory!..Jesus is unrivaled in His glory!..He is asking the question, ‘Do you believe I can do exceedingly more in your life and your generation?'”
  • “The Word of God spoke into the dry bones.  His breath filled them, put tendons (repair), and put skin on…Then you will know I am God…When Jesus comes that will happen.”
  • “The bound are going to go free because Jesus is in this Dome.”
  • “I got high when I went to Passion 2012 but I’ve been sober ever since.”
  • “Somebody’s got their drugs with you in here at this event…when Jesus comes in the bound will go free.”
  • “This conference is not about religion…This conference is about the fact that sin did not make us bad.  Sin made us dead…When Christ comes, the dead will come to life.”
  • “You’re going to think we had an eye clinic here because at the end of this conference you’re going to be able to see…some for the very first time.”
  • “Jesus makes the lame walk…The poor are going to be lifted.”
  • “God always gets the glory when Jesus comes.”
  • “If Jesus is here we are going to walk out of this place to live our lives to the glory of God the Father.”

Jesus is going to repair thousands of lives this week to the glory of God the Father!  Check back throughout the week for more updates from Passion 2013.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.