12 Practices Of Effective Vision Casters

“God gives you a look into the future of what doesn’t exist yet and then gives you a passion to bring what doesn’t exist yet into the present reality.” – Pastor Derwin Gray of Transformation Church On Vision

Whether it is business, non-profit, sports, or the church, Pastor Derwin Gray of Transformation Church in Indian Land, SC is simply one of the best leaders in America.  Few leaders inspire, encourage, challenge, or equip others more than he does.

Earlier this week I watched the above video of him teaching pastors about casting vision.  Rarely have I heard more quality content packed into two minutes.  As a result, I wanted to break down his thoughts into 12 Practices Of Effective Vision Casters that I gleaned from the video.

Implement these principles and watch your ability to cast vision soar.

  • Effective Vision Casters Know Their Audience – Highly effective vision casters know their audience and target the message accordingly.  Did you notice the first two words of Pastor Derwin’s video – “Hey leaders”.
  • Effective Vision Casters Have A Great Resource – A hidden truth is that vision is a gift reserved solely for the leader.  God does not give vision to those who are not responsible for carrying it out.
  • Effective Vision Casters Have The Ability To Cast It – This inherent ability is a quality all leaders possess.  While not all leaders have the giftedness of Pastor Derwin, they all can work hard on their craft and improve their ability to cast vision.
  • Effective Vision Casters Are Passionate About The Vision – They don’t have a vision.  The vision has them.
  • Effective Vision Casters Have A Sacred Task – Pastor Derwin stated that the role of a leader in vision casting “is to communicate to the community of faith that you lead that they are on mission to bring about a future that doesn’t yet exist.”
  • Effective Vision Casters Are Consistent – Pastors cannot share vision enough.  It must be done over and over and over so that it becomes the DNA of your church.
  • Effective Vision Casters Are Clear – One thing that helps in this area is when your vision language is crisp and is repeatable.  Vision that can be easily repeated becomes portable allowing it to be multiplied throughout your church.
  • Effective Vision Casters Are Challenging – The people in your church want to do something significant with their lives.  They want to know they matter and make a difference.  Pastor Derwin said, “If you cast vision and people don’t laugh, it’s way too small.”
  • Effective Vision Casters Have A God-Sized Vision – Highly effective vision casters have BIG vision.  They have a vision so large that it cannot be accomplished without the supernatural intervention of God.
  • Effective Vision Casters Are Inspiring – Because the vision is so large and impactful, people cannot wait to get involved.
  • Effective Vision Casters Exalt Christ – This makes sense doesn’t it.  The vision is so large, so beyond human capability, that it is ultimately God who shows up and gets it done.
  • Effective Vision Casters Cannot Do It Alone – People with God’s help “are the means to bring the vision into present reality.”

Pastors, what is one thing you can do TODAY from the list above that will allow you to effectively communicate vision?

And in the words of Pastor Derwin, Marinate on that.  Peace!  I’m out.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.