The Type Of Church I Dream Of

What type of church is worth the glory of God, worth having His blood shed for, worth breathing the Holy Spirit into, worth being His bride, and worth coming back for?

I dream of a multi-cultural, multi-generational church.  I dream of a church that is radically generous, one that proactively identifies need and then unleashes a flash mob of people willingly releasing their financial resources.

I dream of a church frightened by incrementalism.  I dream of a church thrilled by risk and will do anything short of sin to leave the 99 and find the missing one.

I dream of a church that reflects the Digital Age, one that openly embraces social media and creates two-way conversations with the audience, both in the service and during the week.  I dream of a church that speaks to and reaches the next generation.  I dream of a sustainable ministry.

I dream of facilities that are utilized by the public 365 days per year.  I dream of youth leaders having offices in the local schools.

I dream of a congregation being made up of businessmen and women, people with tattoos, divorcees, homosexuals, Bible scholars, elderly people not caring about anything but seeing the next generation accept Christ, drunks, alcoholics, drug addicts, people with anxiety, people who are scared, the poor, the under-resourced, the devalued, bikers, bouncers, athletes, celebrities, people of all colors, shapes, ages, and varying maturing levels in their Christian life.  I dream they will all sit side-by-side with one common goal – knowing Jesus more intimately today than they did yesterday.

I dream of a church of big ideas.  I dream of being in a room with other pioneers who say, “If caution was absolutely thrown to the wind, what could we do for the glory of God?”  I dream of the college ministry being the most influential group in the church.

I dream of adult baptisms weekly.  I dream of elderly conversions.  I dream of no one ever having to walk alone.  I dream of hundreds of high-capacity leaders being able to serve with their minds, not just their bodies.  I dream of highly influential women serving in leadership. 

I dream of having hundreds of local government officials and school teachers attending services weekly.  I dream of Sunday experiences that are talked about Monday through Saturday.  I dream of long lines waiting to get into services.

I dream of sin being confessed and families being reconciled.  I dream of leadership meetings that exceed Fortune 500 companies for preparation, energy, creativity, accountability, and implementation.

I dream of stories of human life so compelling churches are on television every week because it is the best reality show there is.   

I dream of this type of pulsating church because I feel that is the type of church worthy of Jesus giving His life for.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.