Come Hear Brian Dodd Speak On Leadership

If you are a regular reader of this site, you know that my daytime job is as a church consultant for Injoy Stewardship Solutions (ISS).  Over the next few months, we are embarking on a 9-city tour conducting 1-Day intensives called The Generosity Learning Experience to help pastors and church leaders address the generosity, leadership, and weekly giving issues they may be facing.

I will be conducting a featured breakout session at each event called 15 Common Threads To Prevailing Churches.  It would be an absolute honor to meet you in person at one of these cities.  I know some readers of this site may not be Christ followers.  Please come anyway as the priniciples I will be teaching are applicable to church, business, non-profit, sports, or family leadership.

Here are some details:

GLE - Banner

The Generosity Learning Experience is just that – an experience. This will not be a standard one-day conference.  The ISS  team is passionate about providing PRACTICAL solutions you can implement immediately and see results.

Attendees of The Generosity Learning Experience will experience and receive:

  • Practical tools you can implement the NEXT DAY to begin increasing weekly giving up to 30%
  • Tools and resources for defining and casting vision that moves people toward sacrificial giving
  • Access to over 100 FREE online personal finance tools that will help your church win with their money God’s way!
  • A downloadable App to help grow in your church in the area of generosity
  • You will learn how to develop a culture of generosity that sweeps through your church and transforms your community
  • Special breakout sessions focused on developing financial leaders and other topics like The 15 Common Links Of Prevailing Churches
  • Lunch is included!

The price is set at $100 for this event, BUT through February 18th, we are offering the GLE for 50% off – only $50!  Additional members of your team can attend for $25 if you sign up early. 

Cities/Dates/Times (Click city to register for that specific location)


  • 8:30AM – 4:00PM
  • 4 Main Sessions
  • 2 Breakout Sessions

Once again, it would be great see you at one of the nine cities above and meet you in person.  For additional conference information and registration, click the link below:

GLE - Early Bird

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.