10 Reasons I Went To Work For The Rocket Company

Monday, February 11th was a very big day in the Christian and religious communities.  Pope Benedict XVI resigned.  And that same morning, after 10+ years helping pastors and church leaders with capital campaign related issues, I resigned from Injoy Stewardship Solutions.  Now I’m not saying the level of influence is the same for the Pope and me, but I do wish to point out that I gave a longer notice than he did.  I’m just saying.

Seriously though, after much prayer and consideration by my wife and I, speaking with multiple people we respect both in our family and the marketplace, consulting with my fellow Elders at church, I decided to accept a position with The Rocket Company.

Led by its founder Casey Graham and COO Michael Lukaszewski, I have long felt The Rocket Company was the most influential and effective organization serving pastors and church leaders in the world.  It was two years ago when I booked Casey to speak at a conference I created and introduced him by saying, “For those of us called to serve church leaders, no one is currently doing it better than Casey Graham.”  That statement was true two years ago.  It is still true today.

So when the offer came to join this incredible ministry, the following are 10 reasons my wife and I said “Absolutely!”

  1. It Allows Me To Serve Pastors – My personal mission statement is to use my gifts, talents, abilities, and experiences to serve churches and church leaders.  This job keeps me within my personal calling.
  2. It Allows Me To Serve MORE Pastors – At ISS, our primary product was capital campaigns.  I loved working with capital campaigns but it is a limited group of churches that need that service.  The Rocket Company helps churches increase their weekly giving (Giving Rocket), and helps pastors preach better sermons (Preaching Rocket).  ALL churches need help in this area.
  3. My Wife Said “Yes” – God gives women a sixth sense to know when something is simply not right.  My wife always has final Veto power over any of my decisions, because in reality they are our decisions.  After an opportunity to meet the entire Rocket Company team, she loved them and gave her final approval.
  4. Better Financial Opportunity – My top responsibility is to provide for my wife and daughter.  This new position allows me to offer them a better life.
  5. My Personal Social Media Platform – Casey and Michael had a great vision for how to leverage this website and other projects I have coming up to better serve church leaders.
  6. A Decade Of Excellence – I have known Casey for 10 years having worked with him on conferences, strategic alliances, and developing a personal friendship.  During that time, he has done nothing but perform at an almost unequalled level of excellence.
  7. Generosity – As I have watched The Rocket Company over the last year, no organization has been more generous to pastors and church leaders as this ministry.
  8. Done For You – Pastors and church leaders have a limited amount of time.  Part of what attracted me to The Rocket Company was how easy they made it for church leaders to utilize their resources.
  9. Affordable Pricing – Capital campaign fees are expensive for churches.  Sometimes so expensive that even though churches desperately need the help of a great partner, they simply cannot work it into their budget because of cash flow.  With The Rocket Company’s pricing and payment plans,  ANY church can afford their core coaching programs.  Both the Giving Rocket and Preaching Rocket products come in under a $1,000 one-time payment or can be paid for in 12 installments.
  10. Great Products – The Giving Rocket and Preaching Rocket products are not only affordable and done for you, while at ISS I saw that their products work better than anything else in the industry.  Giving Rocket churches, for instance, regularly see their annual giving increase between 10-20%.

As a thank you to the readers of Brian Dodd On Leadership, Casey and Michael are offering a special rate for their Core Coaching Programs for both Preaching Rocket and Giving Rocket.  You can get the first module free to try out for 30-days. For $0 down, you can use both programs on a trial basis.  If unsatisfied, simply cancel your order.

To receive this special offer and begin to receive core coaching to raise giving in your church and preach better sermons, click here for Giving Rocket and click here for Preaching Rocket. Enter the coupon code TRIAL.  Trust me, I have watched first-hand The Rocket Company serve church leaders with excellence and I’m now honored to be part of their team.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.