7 Leadership Lessons From The Miami Heat Harlem Shake Video


With over 12 million hits and counting, the Harlem Shake video produced by the Miami Heat has officially gone viral.  While this is a fun 56 seconds, there are seven important leadership lessons we can all take from this display.

  1. Leaders Engage Culture – Leaders, especially Christian leaders, do not hide from culture.  They engage it.  My daughter received a text this week from Passion City Church promoting this weekend’s youth activities.  At the conclusion of the message the students were advised to be prepared to do the Harlem Shake.  Oh, to be in middle school again!
  2. Leaders Set The Tone – Did you notice that the team’s best player, the incomparable LeBron James, was the lead dancer.
  3. Leaders Are Authentic – Two years ago, the Miami Heat tried to play the role of the NBA’s villain.  That is simply not their personality.  Leaders who do not lead out of their natural personality come across as disingenuous.  Leaders, be who you are.
  4. Great Organizations Have Great Chemistry – The best organizations have learned that prioritizing fun creates team chemistry and helps enable sustained success.
  5. Great Organizations Produce Great Results – The making of this video was birthed out of momentum and the team’s excellent performance.  At the time of this writing, the Miami Heat are on a 13-game winning streak.
  6. Great Organizations Attract Great Talent – Do you think there is a player in the NBA who would not want to be a part of the Miami Heat and what they have created?
  7. Great Organizations Are Memorable – Much like the Chicago Bears and Super Bowl Shuffle in 1985, this video will be remembered for decades.

What do you think of the Miami Heat Harlem Shuffle video?  And here is the bigger question, is your organization willing to make a similar video?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.