Our deepest prayers and sympathies go out to the victims and their families of Monday’s Boston Marathon bombings. We are all horrified, saddened, and angered by this senseless act. In the midst of humanity at its worst, we also witnessed countless acts of heroism by first responders and others on the scene.
Former New England Patriots lineman Joe Andruzzi (pictured above), whose three firefighting brothers were first responders on September 11th, rushed to the scene. The following are his own words as posted in today’s USA Today:

“Marathon Monday should be about uplifting stories, personal challenges and fundraising milestones, but today’s bombings irrevocably changed that. While I appreciate the interest in hearing our perspective on today’s horrific events, the spotlight should remain firmly on the countless individuals – first responders, medics, EMTs, runners who crossed the finish line and kept on running straight to give blood, and the countless civilians who did whatever they could to save lives. They were the true heroes. Our thoughts prayers go out to all those affected by this senseless tragedy.”
Jim Asaiante, a registered nurse and Army captain, was stationed near the race’s finish line. He was tasked with caring for the usual post-race ailments such as cramps and dehydration. Suddenly, things took a horrific change.
He told CNN, “”For me, it was just like going back to being in Iraq in 2006-2007…I heard the first IED, and I know there’s never one. The bad guys always set up two or three.”

Finally, Fox News reported that Carlos Arredondo was at one moment passing out American flags to those in attendance and in the next running to save them. Arredondo provided medical attention to the injured and rushed the man pictured above to safety. Arredondo’s oldest son was killed in 2004 while serving our country in Iraq. Seven years later, his youngest son killed himself just before Christmas because of depression suffered by the loss of his brother.
In addition to these three gentlemen, we thank the hundreds of brave men and women for their heroic acts of courage. You brought relief to dozens and inspired a nation.