10 Things Pastors Should Know About Thanking Wealthy People

This past week I had two extensive coaching sessions with pastors regarding how best to thank financial leaders, otherwise known as wealthy people.

There are many misconceptions about the important topic of engaging those with significant financial resources.  Therefore, I would like to pass on 10 pieces of critical information that all pastors and church leaders need to know.

Because many people in their lives use them for their money, financial leaders are often very lonely.

  • Sadly, church leaders have many times in the past used the wealthy in their churches as well.
  • To correct this mistake, many church leaders have overcompensated and chosen to ignore them.  This too is a mistake.
  • Pastors and church leaders, rather than using or ignoring financial leaders, the correct approach is to develop them.

So how do you develop financial leaders?  Let me suggest seven ways:

  • You can’t leapfrog leaders, especially financial ones.  Give them access to you.
  • Communicate with them early and often.  Make them early adopters.  Give them information.
  • Make their spiritual needs a priority.  Be their pastor.
  • Invest in a relationship with them with no strings attached.  Go to their place of business and walk through it.  Invite them to a sporting event.  Enjoy a cookout together.
  • Connect them with other financial leaders.  Remember, they are lonely.
  • Find out about their business, their children, their aging parents, and their marriage.  Pray for them.
  • And finally, say “Thank You”

Obviously you want to shake a person’s hand and personally tell them “Thank You” but a handwritten note is also very appropriate and deeply appreciated by the recepient.

To assist you, the following is a sample Thank You note you are welcome to modify to fit your unique ministry environment and utilize:

Dear Brian and Sonya,

Thank you for your continual generosity to Fellowship Bible Church.  Because of that generosity, our mission of making everyone mature in Christ is becoming a reality.  Our church recently launched five new small groups, hired two additional full-time staff members in our Children’s Ministry, helped feed 500 under-resourced families just miles from our church for a month, and most importantly, witnessed 25 freshly-redeemed people enter the waters of baptism.

Your generosity is helping change lives for eternity.  Thank You!  Thank You!  Thank You!  I’d love to grab a cup of coffee and catch up with what is going on in your life.  Please call my assistant and we will setup a time to get together.  I look forward to seeing you,

Your Pastor and Friend,


3 Ways Pastors Respond To Financial Leaders.  7 Ways To Develop Them.  1 Thank You Note.  Pastors and church leaders, if you know and implement these 10 things, you will do a great job developing and thanking the wealthy people in your church.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.