34 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Jack Welch – Chick-Fil-A Leadercast

Yesterday I attended the Chick-Fil-A Leadercast along with the entire Rocket Company team. This is the final in a series of posts of leadership learnings from the day.

The legendary Jack Welch gave incredible insights into personal performance, communication, team building, and success.

The following are his thoughts that all leaders should be know:

  • Give it all you got.  Have focus.  Don’t dabble.
  • If you weren’t already in this business, would you enter it today? – Peter Drucker
  • Fix, sale, or close.
  • The reason people are reluctant to let go, in businesses, people want to run big things.  And when you prune you get smaller.
  • If you are transparent, you have no right to be a manager if the employees don’t know where they stand.
  • For some reason people have trouble being transparent with their employees.  It’s the cruelest form of management.
  • Fairness is part of part of love. – Henry Cloud
  • I’m lucky enough to love hanging around with people.  If you don’t like people, this job is tough.
  • A generosity gene you will find in every good leader.  They like to give raises.  They love to see good things happen.  They get turned on because their gardens grow because of you.
  • The Self-Confidence, Simplicity, Speed.  Your job as a leader is to get self-confidence in their blood.  Get it in their veins.
  • Only self-confident people have simplicity.
  • Only with simplicity do you get speed.  With speed you win the game.
  • Use teaching moments to get everyone in the organization doing what you want.
  • If you hire a self-confident team, they hire self-confident players.
  • 70% of my time was teaching moment.  The team that fields the best players wins.
  • Where are they going?  Why are they going? (mission and vision)  How are they going to get there? (behaviors)
  • Getting into the skin of everyone.
  • Don’t forget one thing about change.  What’s in it for them?  Better jobs.  More promotions.  More growth.
  • A budget review is a personality review with numbers.
  • We’re having a strategic planning review in June!  Big deal.  It’s a bunch of charts.
  • You measure on behaviors, performance, values, numbers.
  • If you have people on your team who has your values, keep them around.
  • The person with the bad attitude is killing the company.
  • You can give a thousand speeches, but every personnel move, one by one, will determine where you are.
  • When you say something is important, you back it up with your very best people.
  • Great leaders fear the right things. – Henry Cloud
  • There is a healthy degree of paranoia we all have to have in these jobs.
  • You’re going to make mistakes.  You have to resiliency to get back on the horse.  You have to be prepared to be knocked off.
  • You have to have healthy skepticism.
  • You ought to love to be here but be ready to leave.
  • Having self-confident people who love to be there but are ready to leave is a healthy place to be.  Without it, there is no tension in the manager.
  • Without question, the biggest advice I always give people is to be in a job you love and over-deliver.  When your boss asked you to do something, they already have something in their mind they want to get done.
  • Make your boss smarter.  Work all the time to bring new insights into the job.  Then you become indispensable.
  • Online education is going to transform education.

Would you like to hear how Andy Stanley, Steven Furtick, Louie Giglio, and Mark Driscoll prepare their messages?

All of this happens on Wednesday, May 16 at 4pm EDT.  And best of all, it’s 100% free. Preach Better Sermons is a free, four-hour, online conference focused on helping communicators prepare and deliver messages that matter.  Some of the best communicators in the world will unpack preaching principles you can use right away.

It’s 100% free and since it happens online, there are no travel costs.  Click here to register for the event now.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.