Exclusive Limited Time Offer – Get FREE Copy Of The Love Driven Life

The Love Driven Life

Below is a repost of an exclusive offer from earlier this month.  Due to the incredible initial response, the book’s publisher has made an additional 500 copies available for absolutely FREE to readers of this site.  Read below to see how you can take advantage of this limited time offer.


Several weeks ago I was contacted by a dear friend who had written a book and asked if I would read it prior to its release. The author is someone whom I greatly admire, so I immediately said Yes. Later that night I received a copy of the manuscript and began to casually peruse the introduction. I didn’t stop reading until I had finished the entire book. And I determined to read it again as soon as possible.

The next day I went to an elders’ meeting at church and found myself thinking some very uncharitable thoughts about a complicated situation we were dealing with.  Then it happened: Wham! It was as if something I had just read the night before smacked me right in the head! God used a key concept from that little book to get my attention and cause me to do a 180 in my heart attitude.

I read a lot—books, periodicals, blogs, professional journals and more. A lot of what I read broadens my knowledge and deepens my understanding. This book, The Love-Driven Life, did something far more significant: It prompted me to check my attitude and change my behavior. It had an almost immediate spiritual influence, and it has continued to do so.

If you’ve read this blog for any length of time you know that I recommend a wide variety of books and resources. This time I’m not just recommending. I’m urging. Get a copy of this book, read it thoughtfully and with an open heart, and see for yourself. I plan to use The Love-Driven Life as a small group resource this fall. There’s an excellent study guide for the book available as well.

Here’s the really good news: As an exclusive favor to me and my readers, the publisher will send complimentary copies of both the book and the study guide to the first 1,000 church leaders who respond to a limited time offer. Simply go to this or the other links below and request your free copies. Don’t miss this opportunity!  Due to shipping costs, this free offer is for US customers only.

I believe that The Love-Driven Life is destined to be a monumentally influential book.

Click HERE for the link…

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.