15 Leadership Quotes From Derwin Gray’s New Book Limitless Life

I have said it often and will restate it today – Derwin Gray, Senior Pastor of the wonderful Transformation Church in Indian Land, SC, is America’s leading voice on multi-ethnic and multi-generational ministry.  He is a dear friend and an absolutely incredible leader.

Releasing on September 3rd, Pastor Derwin’s latest book Limitless Life: You Are More Than Your Past When God Holds Your Future is a must-read for all leaders and those they influence.  There is not a time that I speak with, listen to, or read his writings that I do not come away more encouraged and convinced God can do amazing things in my life.

If you think your past is an anchor and God cannot use you, click here or on the image above and order this book TODAY.  You will be both inspired and equipped to become everything God wants you to be.

The reason this book resonates with me so much is the numerous accounts of real-life Transformation Church attendees who have discovered the power of the transformed and exchanged life through Jesus Christ.  Pastor Derwin tells their stories in great detail.  In reality, I saw myself in many.  This book isn’t theory or hyperbole.  These are real stories about real people who now live limitless lives.

To give you a picture of what you can expect, the following are 15 leadership quotes from Limitless Life:

  1. “Many great, epic displays of God’s glory through His children are built on hours, even years, of an unnoticeable, seemingly unimportant task.”
  2. “David was courageous because He saw the bigness of God in his past.  While David was protecting sheep, God had empowered him to slay lions and bears, and he had experienced God’s faithfulness.”
  3. “Addiction is a cruel master whose sole objective is to destroy the addict – and anyone else in his or her life.  No addict ever suffers alone.”
  4. “The truth is, we do not have addiction problems.  We have misdirected worship.”
  5. “Cast out, Satan nurtured a hatred for God that burned deep in his diseased heart and that spilled over to humanity because we reminded him of God.  Like God, we are able to love, create, choose, and feel.  Like Him, we each have a mind, will, and emotions.  This is what it means to be made in God’s image and likeness.  Satan can’t touch God, but he can touch and make a mess out of our lives.”
  6. “I have learned that the people who manage to climb out of emotional quicksand are those who intentionally stop the cruel, destructive habit of revisiting in their minds the events or the people who have hurt them.”
  7. “I loved Coach Mike Sullivan, my defensive back coach at Converse Judson High School, because he brought the best out of me!  I also had a strong dislike for him because he brought the best out of me!”
  8. “People may have given up on you.  But Jesus has not.  As long as you have breath in your lungs, Jesus will not give up on you.  Ever.  The skeletons in your closet do not scare Him.”
  9. “God’s gift to humanity is not based on our goodness or lack of goodness, but based solely, entirely, and completely on God’s goodness.”
  10. “Why does ethnic diversity in the local church matter?  It matters to Jesus because it displays the church’s unity, which helps unbelievers realize that Jesus really did come to rescue the world.”
  11. “Pride produces spiritually arrogant people who look down on others who haven’t climbed the stairway to heaven as high as they have…Pride also produces people who hide their sins from God and others.”
  12. “Some of the deepest, darkest sin issues I have counseled people through have been with longtime churchgoers.”
  13. “Dewey, I’m sorry for the way I treated you.  I was wrong.  You are a great man, a wonderful husband to my daughter, and a great dad.  I love you.  I’m so proud of you; I consider it an honor to call you son.” – Derwin’s father-in-law
  14. “Consumers are empty selves.  Contributors are maturing in their ‘full and true life in Christ.’  Consumers lived limited lives.  Contributors live without limits.”
  15. “I have lived the American Dream.  I’ve been on TV since I was seventeen and signed autographs since I was eighteen.  I’ve been a famous professional football player, partied with celebrities, and worked on TV.  I have a wonderful woman who has dazzled me with her beauty for more than twenty years.  Yet,none of those external things gave me the joy that only Jesus can provide.”

Once again, I cannot recommend this book enough.  It will give you a fresh picture of who God made you to be and equip you to live a life that is truly limitless.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.