10 Practices Of Pastors Of Fast Growing Churches

Pastor Derwin Gray
Pastor Derwin Gray

On Tuesday, October 29th The Rocket Company will be putting on a FREE online conference called Get More Volunteers.  As part of this event, I traveled to Charlotte, NC last Thursday to interview the incredible senior pastor of Transformation Church Derwin Gray.

Transformation Church has consistently appeared on the annual Outreach Magazine Top 100 Fastest Growing Church list.  As I sat with Pastor Derwin (see picture) it became very apparent one of the many reasons Transformation is growing so fast.  You cannot discount the impact a senior pastor has on church growth and Transformation has one of the best.

This list is woefully insufficient but while sitting with Pastor Derwin for two hours, I gleaned the following 10 Practices Of Pastors Of Fast Growing Churches.

To see our interview, click here and sign up for the October 29th conference.

  1. Pastors Of Fast Growing Churches Surround Themselves With Talented People – Our interview was filmed by the church’s production team.  Led by Taurin Hurley, this team of four was prepared, professional and went over-and-above to make sure I had everything I need to have a successful interview.
  2. Pastors Of Fast Growing Churches Remember Where They Came From – Earlier in the week, Pastor Derwin spoke at the Exponential Conference.  We discussed that nostalgic feeling which came over him while there.  It was four years ago when Pastor Derwin was in the audience as an attender.  He came down from the balcony to the altar where he was prayed over as he was launching the new church.
  3. Pastors Of Fast Growing Churches See The Best In People – There is nothing worse than pastors who do not appreciate those who attend their churches.  Pastor Derwin deeply, deeply believes that God can do anything in and through the lives of those at Transformation.
  4. Pastors Of Fast Growing Churches Have A Solid Biblical Foundation – I have seen enough Christian leadership to know anything not built on a biblical foundation is simply unsustainable.  Transformation’s vision of creating a multi-ethnic, multi-generational church flows directly from Pastor Derwin’s life and the pages of scripture.
  5. Pastors Of Fast Growing Churches Are Humble – Let me put this in proper perspective.  Pastor Derwin leads one of the most well-known churches in America.  He is an author and globally-renowned speaker.  He is a former professional football player.  He is in constant high-demand.  Do you know where you can find on almost any day – Starbucks just hanging out with people.  Amazing.
  6. Pastors Of Fast Growing Churches Never Forget What God Has Done For Them – We also filmed a second interview which will be shown in April.  Pastor Derwin was visibly, emotionally moved when we discussed his salvation experience.
  7. Pastors Of Fast Growing Churches Challenge The Status Quo – Pastors are most effectively challenged to get better by fellow pastors.  I have met few pastors who have the moral authority to bring accountability to their piers than Pastor Derwin.  Here is one of my favorite quotes from the second interview – “Pastors, I’ve got big biceps.  I can carry my own bags.”
  8. Pastors Of Fast Growing Churches Prioritize Their Family – Regardless of the success of the church, the book sales, and all the speaking engagements, nothing is more important to Pastor Derwin than Jesus and his family.
  9. Pastors Of Fast Growing Churches Are Extravagantly Generous – The second interview concluded by Pastor Derwin giving me some nice compliments.  As we often joke, my street cred goes up when I’m with him!  Great Christian leaders are always pointing to other people and promoting them.
  10. Pastors Of Fast Growing Churches Follow-Up Well – One hour after the interview’s conclusion, Pastor Derwin called me as I was driving home to follow-up on a couple of items.  I was reminded the best leaders follow-up well.

Surround Yourself With Talented People, Remember Where You Came From, See The Best In People, Have A Solid Biblical Foundation, Stay Humble, Remember What God Did For You, Challenge The Status Quo, Focus On Your Family, Be Extravangantly Generous, and Follow-Up Well.  If you do these 10 things, you too may lead a fast-growing church.


To see my interview with Pastor Derwin click the image on the left.  The Get More Volunteers online conference is hosted by Tony Morgan and features great leaders like Reggie Joiner, Perry Noble and Chris Hodges.  I’ll even be playing a role.  Click here or on the image provided to sign up.  I recommend you get your entire volunteer team to watch.  You’ll be glad you did.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.