Something all churches desire is to see first-time visitors return a second and third time. As a result, a frequent agenda item in staff meetings is creating experiences so impactful visitors are sure to come back.
Through my work with The Rocket Company, I recently connected with Ed Archer (pictured here), the Associate Pastor of City On A Hill, a United Methodist church located in my hometown of Woodstock, Ga.
Though I do not attend City On A Hill, I am very familiar with their church and the work they do serving our community. This church is a frequent presence at red lights handing out water. They annually put on community wide Easter egg hunts and Christmas specials while also serving the poor and under-resourced. When I would pass this church on Sunday mornings, their parking team is always excited and proactive. You can tell God is doing a great work at this church and their people are excited to be a part of it.
When the opportunity presented itself, I stopped by to introduce myself to Ed in person and give him a copy of my book. While there, Ed gave me a tour of their facilities. As we went through the nursery and pre-school area, he showed me the smallest toilet I have ever seen.

I said, “That is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. Can I take a picture?” Ed said, “Sure. Everyone does.” You can see the toilet to the left. Notice we placed a plastic trash can next to it for scale. Pastor Ed is also photographed above next to sink which is placed at a knee-high level.
So what do miniature toilets and sinks have to do with making a huge impression on visitors?
- It tells parents their child is important.
- It tells parents City On A Hill church is looking at the weekend experience through their child’s eyes.
- It tells parents the facility was designed with their child’s specific needs in mind.
- It tells parents the adult portions of the weekend experience have also been designed through their eyes.
- It tells parents the people of City On A Hill were expecting them and have crafted a weekend experience with them in mind.
- It tells parents their family’s needs are important.
- It tells parents they and their children matter.
- It tells parents the people of City On A Hill want them to come back.
- And though they may not know it, it tells parents the people of City On A Hill want to introduce them to their God.
What is One Small Thing Churches Can Do To Make A Big Impression On Visitors? Design weekend experiences with them in mind.
And if you live in Cherokee County, Ga and are looking for a church home, visit City On A Hill in Woodstock, Ga. They are expecting you.
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