27 Leadership Quotes And Lessons On Being A Godly Man From Johnny Hunt

Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference

After an extraordinarily difficult week my wife looked at me Tuesday morning and said, “You are going to Johnny Hunt’s Men’s Conference this weekend.  You have given and given and given to others and now you need someone to pour into you.  I am sending you to this conference.”

Through the life she lives my wife constantly affirms to me what the Bible means when it says, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing And receives favor from the Lord. (Prov. 18:22)”

For those of you unfamiliar with Johnny Hunt, he is the iconic pastor of First Baptist Church Woodstock (Ga), the city in which I live.  I have never met a pastor who loves those entrusted to him more Pastor Johnny.  He is as kind, caring and as an endearing leader as I know.  He is also a man of character, compassion, commitment and only Heaven will fully record the impact he has made in the lives of those who have come across his path.

I personally feel the primary reason we have such a wonderful community is, through God’s grace and power, he has been the primary spiritual leader and most influential resident of our city for almost three decades.  Some other resident has the title Mayor of Woodstock but Johnny Hunt is our city’s leader.  I am privileged to call Pastor Johnny a friend.

His love for people is why approximately 4,000 individuals attended his annual Men’s Conference.  I desperately needed hope and encouragement and these last two days were a cup of cold water to me.  Frankly, I did not know how much I needed it.

If you need to be encouraged or wish to grow as a Christian leader, Pastor Johnny is also hosting his annual Leadership Conference February 28th – March 1st.  You can read more and sign up by clicking here.  I can’t recommend it enough.

The following are 38 Leadership Lessons And Quotes about A Leader Who Is A Godly Man I captured from Pastor Johnny’s opening session:

  1. “Every person can be a difference maker.”
  2. “Strong temptation winds do blow in a man’s life.”
  3. “The Christian life for a Man of God is described in the context of a fight.”
  4. “When you know Jesus, the fight is fixed.  Even if I get knocked down, I won’t get knocked out.  The question is have I lost rounds.”
  5. “Fight from your knees.”
  6. “Our wives know us.  They got our numbers.”
  7. “Men are the untapped reservoir for the Kingdom of God.”
  8. “Godly men can make ungodly choices.”
  9. “You never outgrow pride, greed and lust.”
  10. “If I’m going to be a Godly man I have to turn my back on things.”
  11. “Why do men get in trouble? We don’t take God and His Word seriously.”
  12. “Separation without positive growth is isolation.”
  13. “I don’t want to be known for I oppose but for what I propose.”
  14. “If you want to be a Godly man, you don’t have to look for sin.  Sin is looking for you.”
  15.  “You can’t be a Godly man and disobey the Word of God.”
  16. “All of life is lived in the presence of God.”
  17. “If you want to be a Godly man nothing is more important than consistency.”
  18. “My worship begins way before I come to church.”
  19. “Sin is stronger than you are.  Only The Spirit can put it to death.”
  20. “I go to the Bible to nourish my soul.”
  21. “You can go to a dry place in life and different roads will take you there.”
  22. “50% of marriages in the church wouldn’t fail if we chased down perseverance.”
  23. “When you say,’Something’s over’, you say, ‘I found something God can’t handle.'”
  24. “Jesus didn’t save you to be a wimp.  He gave you courage.”
  25. “You don’t need a sermon to know what your sin is.”
  26. “I want to affect and influence lives for God/”
  27. “Only Jesus can make a Man of God.”

Here are additional thoughts from Pastor Johnny on being a Man of God:

What The Man Of God Avoids:

  1. Pride – Ego
  2. Greed – Money, Covetousness, Idolatry
  3. Lust – Sex

What A Man Of God Does:

  1. Believes In God
  2. Belongs To God
  3. Lives A Godly Life

Once again, only Jesus can make a Man of God.  So in closing I only have two questions – Are you a Man of God?  Why or why not?


If you want to improve in your leadership as a pastor and Christian leader, click here or on the image to the left to sign up for a FREE webinar next week on February 4th on leading a Stress Free Church.  This webinar will make you a better leader.


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.