10 Signs Your Church Does Not Have A Leadership Culture

The purpose of leadership in a local church is to advance mission and vision.  Leaders can take your ministry farther, faster.  Unfortunately, some pastors and church leaders do not foster a leadership culture.

When this takes place, everyone and everything loses.  The Kingdom loses.  The church loses.  The community loses.  People lose.  Everyone and everything loses.

The following are 10 Signs Your Church Does Not Have A Leadership Culture:

  1. Pastors and church leaders do not prioritize building relationships with leaders.  For example, is the pastor’s breakfast and lunch schedule prioritized to spend time with leaders?  You feed the 5,000 on Sunday.  You spend time with the 12 during the week.
  2. Leaders are even ignored.  Their contribution is not appreciated.  They are not consulted prior to or given a seat at the table when key decisions are made.
  3. Female leaders are ignored unless they serve in hospitality, the children’s area or in worship and arts.  Never in key roles of influence.
  4. Positions are not created for leaders.  Churches do a great job creating opportunities for people to serve with their hands and feet.  Churches do a poor job creating opportunities for high-capacity, marketplace leaders to lead with their mind.
  5. Entrepreneurial leadership is not celebrated.  Leaders are forced to start their own ministries or take their talents to the parachurch and non-profit arenas to live out their calling.  Because of bureaucracy or lack of vision, leaders are often sadly forced to bypass the church.
  6. Leaders are not properly resourced.  They are not given the tools or facilities needed to reach their full potential.
  7. Leaders are controlled.  If their areas of ministry become too successful, they are reigned in.
  8. Young leaders are not identified and developed.  The next generation is not valued.
  9. Results are not measured.  Leaders care about ROI.  They want their life, their time and their contribution to matter and make a difference in the lives of people.
  10. Leaders are not thanked for their contribution.  They are taken for granted.  This is the saddest one of all.

And let me give you a bonus one – The Expertise Of Leaders Is Not Considered In Decisions.  Few things are as disheartening to leaders as having their opinions discounted or marginalized when they specialize in certain areas of ministry.

Does anything on this list describe your church?  If so, are you prepared to make the necessary changes to begin creating a leadership culture?


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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.