Live Blog From 2014 Orange Conference – 19 Leadership Quotes From Mark Batterson

Back for Day 2 of the Orange Conference!  Just a reminer, in an effort to grow in my skills to better add value to pastors and church leaders I am being dispatched by Injoy Stewardship Solutions (ISS) to attend this amazing event.

Today’s initial plenary session from Acts 10 was conducted by Mark Batterson, Senior Pastor of National Community Church.  The following are 19 leadership quotes I captured during the session:  

  1. The word “diaper” spelled backwards is “repaid”. I’ve never started a message that way.
  2. If you want to repeat history do what’s always been done. If you want to make history do it the way it’s never been done before.
  3. If you pray to God regularly, irregular things will happen on a regular basis.
  4. Prayer, that’s where it stops and that’s where it ends.
  5. When you pray to God regularly you live a different way.
  6. You are one prayer away from a totally different lif
  7. Prayer is the difference between the best you can do and the best God can do. Prayer is the difference between making things happen and letting things happen.
  8. We overestimate what we can do in one year. We underestimate what God can do in one day.
  9. A God-ordained dream is going to be beyond you and your resources. You can’t do it and you don’t have the money.
  10. God qualifies the call. Don’t let your budget determine your vision. Let your vision determine your budget.
  11. Change of Place + Change of Pace = Change of Perspective
  12. There is something more binding than what’s on a piece of paper. It’s prayer.
  13. Caffeine + Holy Spirit = Awesome!
  14. To re-imagine sometimes you have to go back to places of spiritual victories in your life.
  15. Sometimes God shows up. Sometimes God shows off!
  16. When you get into an argument with God, if you win that argument you lose. If you lose that argument, you win.
  17. Sometimes you have to risk your reputation to see the Kingdom advance.
  18. Faith is the willingness to look foolish.
  19. If you aren’t willing to look foolish, you’re foolish.


As a gift to everyone reading this post, ISS would like to provide everyone a FREE copy of the Ebook 5 Mistakes That Will Kill Your Church Fund Raising.  Simply click here or on the image to the left to receive your complimentary resource.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.