Live Blog From 2014 Orange Conference – 11 Leadership Quotes From Andy Stanley

Back for Day 3 of the Orange Conference!  Just a reminder, in an effort to grow in my skills to better add value to pastors and church leaders I am being dispatched by Injoy Stewardship Solutions (ISS) to attend this amazing event.

Today’s initial plenary session was conducted by the incomparable Andy Stanley.  The following are 11 leadership quotes I captured during the session:  

  1. Sometimes our theology and model gets confused.
  2. Jesus never compromised theology but He never allowed theology to get in the way of ministry…In fact, it made theology people uncomfortable.
  3. When in doubt just ask, “What does love require of me?”
  4. How you treat someone’s parents will determine what they think about the church. – Reggie Joiner
  5. When you run a church by relationships not policies it takes longer.
  6. We believe the church should be the safest place on the planet for middle school students to talk about anything.
  7. A Small Group Leader’s Role – 1. You are the church.  Students will not remember what you say.  They will remember how you made them feel.  2.  You are not a counselor.  3.  You are a navigator through the mindfield of assumptions, misinformation and unhealthy relationships.
  8. Do not let a middle school kid label themselves.
  9. Secrets from parents are always bad.
  10. How you handle something during a group will determine if you are allowed to handle it after a group.
  11. We want to love his (our son’s) first name more than our last name.


As a gift to everyone reading this post, ISS would like to provide everyone a FREE copy of the Ebook 5 Mistakes That Will Kill Your Church Fund Raising.  Simply click here or on the image to the left to receive your complimentary resource.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.