19 Hall Of Fame Leadership Quotes From Aeneas Williams, Andre Reed and Michael Strahan

There are few things as insightful as the thoughts and feelings of great leaders.  Today is the NFL’s annual celebration of greatness as Michael Stahan, Derrick Brooks, Andre Reed, Aeneas Williams, Claude Humphrey, Walter Jones and Ray Guy were inducted into the Hall Of Fame.  55 Pro Bowls are represented between these men.  The following are 19 leadership quotes which we can all learn from:

Aeneas Williams, Walter Jones and Ray Guy

  1. “Begin with the end in mind and die empty.” – Williams
  2. “The most wealth is in the cemetary because most people go to the grave full instead of empty.” – Williams
  3. “Write down what’s in your heart.” – Williams
  4. “The goal is not to prove people wrong.  The goal is to reach your potential.” – Williams
  5. “More is taught than caught.” – Williams
  6. “You look like a million dollars walking around broke.” – Walter Jones’ high school coach
  7. “Ray Guy was a football player who punted.” – John Madden
  8. “All of those years of football I was setting benchmarks for young kickers to follow.” – Guy
  9. “A God-given talent is one of the greatest gifts a person could be given…A gift is to be given to others.” – Guy
  10. “I am who I am and that’s all you’re going to get.” – Guy

Andre Reed

  1. “I first want to give thanks to the Creator of all things in this world.”
  2. “Where would you rather be than right here right now.”
  3. “If you put 100% in you’ll get a 100% out.”
  4. “If you play this game the right way you can play it a long time.”
  5. “The toughest individual I have ever met in my life is Jim Kelly.”
  6. “When you respect your coach you’ll do anything to win for him.”

Michael Strahan

  1. “Life is about lessons.”
  2. “The team is a family.”
  3. “In football you can be finesse all you want but eventually you’re going to have to hit somebody.”

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.