7 Differences Between Immature And Mature Leaders

There is currently an epidemic of immature leadership.  These leaders have risen to or self-appointed themselves to roles of significant influence over others.  The churches, business, non-profits and athletic teams with immature leaders are under-performing and not reaching their full potential.   However, there is hope because leaders are learners and can often “grow out” of their immaturity.

One such leader who has matured at a rapid pace is the talented Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton.  Recently, Sports Illustrated’s Peter King wrote about Newton’s maturation process and his restored relationship with the fourth-year player here.

As I read King’s article, I gleaned the following 7 Differences Between Immature And Mature Leaders.  As you read this list, see if any describe yourself or another leader you may know:

  1. Immature Leaders Move Towards Isolation.  Mature Leaders Value And Build Relationships. – After not speaking for over three years, Newton proactively reached out to King and requested to speak with him privately.
  2. Immature Leaders Blame Others.  Mature Leaders Take Responsibility For Their Actions. – In 2011, Cam Newton told Peter King, “I see myself not only as a football player, but an entertainer and icon.”  After King reported Newton’s comments, rather than choosing to accept responsibility for the quote, Newton did not speak to King for over three years.
  3. Immature Leaders Burn Bridges.  Mature Leaders Are Peacemakers. – Newton told King, “I don’t want to walk the other way every time I see you.  That’s not what a man does.”
  4. Immature Leaders Keep Bad Company.  Mature Leaders Have A Strong Inner-Circle. – Newton confided in King that those close to him wanted to sever their relationship.  They viewed King as a “hater”.
  5. Immature Leaders Are Easily Influenced.  Mature Leaders Often Stand Alone. – Newton continued his conversation with King, “I am my own person.  I think for myself. I make my own decisions. I decided I wanted to talk to you to see if we could work this out.”
  6. Immature Leaders Extract Value From People.  Mature Leaders Add Value To People. – Newton has now become a force for good helping with the development of inner-city children and football programs.
  7. Immature Leaders Hold Onto The Past.  Mature Leaders Look to The Positive Future. – Newton concluded his time with King by saying, “Let’s let bygones be bygones.”  The two men shook hands and went on their way.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.