Live Blog From Double Conference: 44 Leadership Quotes From Perry Noble Final Session

In an effort to add maximum value to pastors and church leaders, INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to attend the Double Conference at NewSpring Church.  I will be bringing some of the top leadership lessons from the conference designed to challenge and equip pastors and church leaders to double in weekly attendance.

The incomparable senior pastor of NewSpring Church Perry Noble closed out Day 2 the conference in style.  The following are 44 leadership quotes and lessons from Psalm 23 about becoming the type of pastor and leader who could emotionally and spiritually handle a church that doubles:

  1. Maybe there’s a leader in the room that if your church doubled, it wouldn’t bless you.  It would crush you.
  2. Your relationship with the Lord is the one thing no one else can do for you.
  3. When a sheep is born, the shepherd will go and get that sheep and hold it every single day…The primary goal for the shepherd is for the sheep to know its voice.  And when a sheep learns a voice, it will never follow another voice.
  4. Some of us in this room are just going through the motions because we’re tired.  And we’re not following His voice.
  5. Religion kills relationship.
  6. We worship stupid things when we turn away from God.
  7. Religion killed 3,000 people (with the golden calf).  Grace saved 3,000 people (with Pentecost).
  8. When we have a relationship with God, we don’t spend a lot of time walking around talking about the things we lack.
  9. Churches, stop telling God what you don’t have.
  10. An empty vessel cannot fill up and preach to broken people.
  11. The strongest ministry in our lives takes place out of the overflow of our lives.
  12. If God wants to start a fire in a church, it always starts with the leaders.
  13. Nobody else gets to define what an emergency is for me.
  14. The problem with many pastors, who because of social media, have become addicted to the noise.
  15. The rate of which I was doing the work of God was destroying the work of God in me. – Bill Hybels
  16. You can’t plan a move of God.
  17. We can’t plan a move of God but we can prepare for one.
  18. You got into ministry yesterday.  Congratulations!  That’s the best day you’ll ever have.
  19. I’m tired of going to conferences and hearing them talk about how great everything is and then walking backstage and talk about their anti-depressants.
  20. If you make a good decision when you’re tired, it’s an accident.
  21. When you’re tired you do what is easy rather than what is right.
  22. Refreshment = Refocus
  23. He wants us to get it right more than we get it right because it’s His church.
  24. Who do you want in charge of something?  People who will do something.
  25. If we get something wrong and we’re in a right relationship with Him, He won’t let us get it wrong for long.
  26. None of us like dark times.
  27. “Even though” times will come in ministry.
  28. We can fear circumstances more than we fear God.
  29. No one in here has a guard sheep.  No one has the mascot The Fighting Sheep.
  30. How insane would it be to cower at a kitten but slap a lion in the mouth?
  31. God wants to bless churches.  He wants to bless church leaders.
  32. I praise God for Vegans because there’s more meat for me.
  33. Can you imagine a table God prepared?
  34. The Baptists ask, “Why do you drink wine?”  Have you seen the Baptists?  “Why do you drink gravy?”
  35. You don’t get the table prepared by God without enemies that hate you’re at the table prepared by God.
  36. Don’t let the presence of your enemies take your eyes off the table prepared right before you.
  37. Too many people are too obsessed with what people say about them.
  38. We need to focus on Him rather than them.
  39. When you feel the presence of your enemies you feel pressure.  Pressure is nothing more than a call to humility because you are reminded you can’t do this alone.
  40. There are some days I leave church and this goes on in my mind, “I don’t how long this can go on.”
  41. One day you and I will stand before Someone who had an assignment much tougher than ours and He did not quit.
  42. Why Churches And Pastors Implode – Misunderstanding of God, Bad Environments, Bad Decisions, No One Around In Tough Times, Obsessed With Wrong Things, and We Doubt God’s Love and True Belief In His Grace.
  43. If you haven’t had a day off in six months that’s your fault.
  44. The storm God calmed within you will calm the storm around you.

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As a gift to all pastors and church leaders reading this post, INJOY Stewardship Solutions is pleased to offer your the FREE copy of our latest Ebook Nothing Grows A Church Faster.  This resource contains a complete done-for-you sermon series with outlines on stewardship and generosity.  This information will relieve stress and make you a better preacher.  Click HERE or on the image to the left to download this information.  Enjoy!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.