Live Blog From Catalyst ’14 – 32 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Mark Batterson

As a member of the Catalyst Blog Team and INJOY Stewardship Solutions, I will be bringing you live updates from the much anticipated Catalyst Conference in Atlanta, GA.  The theme for this year’s conference is Change Is Coming.

Catalyst always begins by conducting a series of Labs on Wednesday for church leaders.  The next session was conducted by Mark Batterson, Lead Pastor of National Community Church in Washington D.C.  Mark is also the author of such great books as The Circle Maker and All In.  The following are 32 Leadership Quotes and Lessons from his session from John 11 on miracles..

Also, before reading, make sure you check out the announcement from INJOY Stewardship Solutions shown below about a FREE webinar I will be conducting on October 16th for churches needing to raise capital in 2015.  Now onto Mark’s thoughts:

  1. When you get into the presence of God it’s a game-changer.
  2. When I first started coming to church National Community Church was about 150 people.
  3. The greatest tragedy are those who don’t know Jesus and know His name.
  4. A book sold is not a book sold. It is a prayer answered.
  5. If you feel you didn’t accomplish anything today, remind yourself you traveled 1,599,000 miles today…But when is the last time you prayed we would stay in orbit…We don’t because we trust God for the big miracles. We need to trust Him for the little ones.
  6. When you cut the miracles out of scripture you cut Jesus off at the knees. You are left with a Jesus who is wise but weak.
  7. I believe in a God of miracles.
  8. You’re dreaming way too small.
  9. Don’t seek miracles. Seek miracles. If you seek Jesus long enough and far enough you will find yourself in the middle of miracles.
  10. 5 + 2 does not equal 7 in God’s Kingdom.
  11. He’s not just a God who makes bad people good. He’s a God who brings dead people to life.
  12. Never put a comma where God puts a period and never put a period where God puts a comma.
  13. We all hit spots where we think it’s over.
  14. It’s amazing how much you know when you’re 22.
  15. God cannot bring to life something that has not died.
  16. Sometimes when you think it’s over God is just getting started.
  17. Sometimes God wants to reveal another dimension of His power. Sometimes it does get worse before it gets better.
  18. The greatest miracle is we cross the space-time continuum into a place called Heaven.
  19. There are times in life when you will lose touch with reality because the reality you’re holding onto is beyond your five senses.
  20. Planning with prayer is a waste of time.
  21. Our first year we averaged 20-25 people the first year. Our income was $2,000 per month. Annualized that is $24,000 a year.
  22. I believe in long obedience in the same direction.
  23. You don’t give up on something unless God releases you.
  24. When God gives you a word, isn’t that awesome.
  25. If one thing doesn’t die something else doesn’t come to life. God can’t open one door without closing another. It’s a package deal.
  26. You’re only as good as your last miracle…You have to be willing to look foolish.
  27. Our defining moments as leaders will be those times we look absolutely foolish. Just make sure when you get out of the boat Jesus said, “Come”.
  28. Eardrums dead for four days will hear the voice of God.
  29. Jesus turns tragedies into comedies.
  30. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is not something we celebrate one day a year. We celebrate everyday in everyway.
  31. Jesus is Jesus. He’s not just the winemaker. He’s not just the water walker. He’s the grave robber.
  32. Work like it depends on you. Pray like it depends on God.



Please join me on October 16th at 2:00 PM EST for a FREE webinar I will be conducting for INJOY Stewardship Solutions entitled How To Raise More Money In 2015 Than You Ever Thought Possible.  It will be a fun hour of equipping and training.  Click HERE or on the image to left to register today.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.