15 Practices Of Great Volunteer Leaders

I have had the privilege of working with a number of great volunteer leaders in local churches.  After giving some thought to my experiences with these high-capacity individuals, I have noticed 14 common threads they all seem to possess.

The following are 15 Practices Of Great Volunteer Leaders:

  1. Great Volunteer Leaders Love Jesus Christ – They make having a personal, growing relationship with Jesus their top priority.  These leaders realize everything flows from God’s power in their life.
  2. Great Volunteer Leaders Love The Bible – They make the Word of God the foundation and launching pad of everything they do.
  3. Great Volunteer Leaders Have Vision – One of the marks of leadership is vision.  It is a gift solely reserved for leaders.  Great volunteer leaders have a picture of a preferred future which produces passion and work relentlessly to see it realized.
  4. Great Volunteer Leaders Love Their Church – They want to see their church succeed.  Ministry is hard enough without have people working against you.
  5. Great Volunteer Leaders Love Their Pastor – They are a constant encouragement to their pastor and faithfully support all his efforts.
  6. Great Volunteer Leaders Love Their Church Staff – Anyone can find fault with a church staff.  Great volunteer leaders build upon the efforts of those God has called into full or part-time ministry and help them succeed.
  7. Great Volunteer Leaders Think Long-Term – They see not just today but five to 10 years ahead.
  8. Great Volunteer Leaders See The Best In People – They see what people in their church could be through the power of Jesus Christ, not just what they currently are.
  9. Great Volunteer Leaders Are Positive Thinkers – Because they lead with a smile, every room they enter brightens up.
  10. Great Volunteer Leaders Remain Calm – When conflict or chaos arises, great volunteer leaders provide security and comfort to those affected.  Their presence and soothing personality says, “Everything is going to be O.K.”
  11. Great Volunteer Leaders Attract Other Volunteer Leaders – Leaders want to serve with other leaders.
  12. Great Volunteer Leaders Build Teams – They are constantly looking for how to get others involved and experience all God would have for them.  They want to help people win with their lives.
  13. Great Volunteer Leaders Address Issues – They are not afraid to tackle issues or have hard conversations.
  14. Great Volunteer Leaders Sacrifice Their Time – Few things are as precious as time because once taken, it cannot be given back.  These individuals often give an inordinate amount of time to their local church.
  15. Great Volunteer Leaders Accomplish Much – There is a difference between sensing opportunity and seizing it.  These individuals do not waste opportunity.  They simply produce.

What are some other practices you see in great volunteer leaders?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.