15 Practices Of Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision


I love pastors and church leaders who possess a big vision.  It is exhilarating watching them chase after the dream God has put in their heart.  These pastors not only have a vision but the vision has them.  They are seized by this picture of a preferred future.  Seeing this dream realized is not an option.  Life would not be complete without the vision becoming reality.  This vision they have is worth giving their life for.

It is a privilege to follow leaders like this.  Their passion is inspiring and prompts me to action.

Working for INJOY Stewardship Solutions I have the privilege of being exposed to many of these type of leaders.  One such leader is Lead Pastor Deryck Frye of Connect Community Church in Ashland, Massachusetts.  Recently, I came across a video created to give their church an update on the progress of their capital campaign.  This video is shown above.

As I watched their story unfold, I gleaned 15 Practices Of Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision:

  1. Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision Often Receive The Vision Early In Their Christian Walk – Pastor Deryck said, “When I was a young boy, 15 years old, I used to dream about church.”
  2. Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision See It Clearly – Big visions are never fuzzy to the one entrusted with vision.  Pastor Deryck noted, “I wanted to reach and preach to thousands of people.”
  3. People Often Think Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision Are Crazy – That is just fine.  If your vision makes sense, it is probably too small.  Pastor Deryck acknowledged, “It sounds a little crazy.”
  4. Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision Often Get Discouraged – Nowhere in the Bible does God call anyone to an easy assignment.  Pastor Deryck said, “When I got a little older I got discouraged because I didn’t see that happening in church.”
  5. Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision Measure Its Progress – Pastor Deryck joyfully said, “That’s changed now.”
  6. Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision Invite Others To Join In The Vision – Vision is best enjoyed when shared with others.  Great leaders are always inclusive and enfolding others into the vision.  Pastor Deryck told his church, “I see us reaching people that were unreached and unchurched.  I see us reaching people that were disconnected and disenfranchised and discouraged about religion.”
  7. Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision Connect As Many People As Possible To Jesus – Any vision which does not celebrate Jesus is a vision not worth following.  He said, “Now we’re reaching hundreds of people for Christ.”
  8. Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision Change People’s Lives – Isn’t that what leadership is all about, taking people to a brighter tomorrow?  Pastor Deryck said, “The course and trajectory of their life is changing because they found friends and they found a family and they found faith.”
  9. Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision Provide Opportunities For Their Church To Celebrate The Vision – Everyone wants to play for a winner.  Allowing the congregation to enjoy the church’s progress, Pastor Deryck said, “And that’s because of you.”
  10. Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision Are Fiercely Loyal To The Vision – A great vision takes time to become reality.  You must persevere and remain fiercely loyal to it.  Pastor Deryck vividly expressed, “As I got over the hill, over the horizon, I could see a lot more.”
  11. Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision Often Receive Additional New Vision – When you are faithful with what God has entrusted you with, He gives you more.  Pastor Deryck said, “We’re in a new chapter where God wants to birth a little bit more in our vision.”
  12. Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision Are Into Multiplication, Not Addition – Speaking on behalf of Jesus, Pastor Deryck said, “He wants to see this thing reproduced over and over and over again.”
  13. Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision Improve Both My Present And Future – Pastor Deryck kept his congregation attached to both the present and future by saying, “We’ve got to make some improvements here at home base.  But when that’s done, we’re getting ready to do something bigger than that.”
  14. Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision Are Excited About The Vision And Cause Me To Get Excited As Well – Pastor Deryck concluded his thoughts by saying, “I’m so excited.  I hope you are to.”  I do not even go to your Connect Community Church and I am excited.  I can only imagine what their congregation feels.
  15. Pastors And Church Leaders With A Big Vision Turn People’s Worlds Around – An unnamed lady summed up the power of big vision when she said, “It’s just really turned all our worlds around.”

What is one thing you can take from this list to attach more people to the vision God has given you?

Also, if you have a capital campaign coming up in 2015 and would like to see what happened at Connect Community Church happen at yours, leave a comment and I will be glad to give you a call and see how the ISS team can best serve you.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.