One Vital Area Of Ministry Which Often Lacks Proportional Attention And Funding

As a result of of my recent post The Type Of Work Successful Leaders Do That Unsuccessful Leaders Don’t I received a though-provoking email from Rev. Brad Iverson, the Executive Director Church and Community Development for Awana.  His note brought up a vital part of ministry which, from his personal experience, is often largely ignored and unfunded from a proportional standpoint.

With his permission, I am posting his email with some minor edits for your to read as well.  First, do you agree with his assessment regarding focus and funding.  Then after reading, if you want to reach out to Brad for more information, his contact information is provided.


Hi Brian,

Just wanted to drop you a note and say thanks for your blogs. I just read the one about, the lonley work, and I can really identify.

I serve in Awana and in some ways do the same thing you do, only with different emphasis. I work to get denominational leaders and people groups like Native Americans to understand the importance and value of children’s ministry.

My perception is it is fairly easy to engage a pastor on the issue of church fiances and stewardship, but you should try and engage them on the issue of children’s ministry. Most of the time I get pushed off by the pastor to a children’s pastor or volunteer.

Brian, the most effective mission field in the world are those not in Africa or Asia, but those between the ages of 4-14. In any gathering you go to, ask folks to raise their hand if they came to Christ before the age of 14 and 75% or so of the hands will go up. Yet, children’s ministry is often the least funded, most neglected and ignored ministry in a church.

There are very large denominations who either have no one focused on children’s ministry for their denomination, or if they have a person, that person is part time.

Isn’t it sad? I think it is incredibly sad that the most fertile mission field in the world is so often neglected, underfunded, under resourced and almost ignored. By the way, I was a pastor for 25 years. We have just started a new church planting ministry at Awana, called ZimZam Global, which uses the model of reaching first the children, then the parents and then establishing a church.

Well, enough of my woes. Don’t take me wrong as God is doing some incredible things in our ministry as I reach out to denominations and churches, much like you do. But may I ask you to do something? As you work with churches in the realm of stewardship, please don’t allow them to trivialize, or treat children’s ministry like some ministry step child. I have been known to ask a pastor, “Do you believe children’s ministry is important?” Of course, I get an, “Oh yes indeed!”  “Then could I look at your church budget to see what percentage of funds get allocated there?”   Someone we both love said something about,”where your heart is that is where your treasure is..” I know…ouch!

Serving with you,

Rev. Brad Iverson
Executive Director Church and Community Development
Office: 817-431-5431
Mobile: 817-600-2142
What are your thoughts on Brad’s comments?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.