16 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Heisman Trophy Winner Marcus Mariota

As expected, Oregon Ducks quarterback Marcus Mariota won the 2014 Heisman Trophy this evening as college football’s top player.  Marcus represents all that is right about collegiate athletics.

The following are 16 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Heisman Trophy Winner Marcus Mariota which also includes other leadership quotes from the show’s broadcast:

  1. The quarterback is the face of the program. – Andre Ware
  2. It’s all team related…win football games and everything else falls into place. – Ware
  3. He’s (Mariota) always in control.  The moment is never too big for him. He’s a great decision maker.  – Tim Tebow
  4. “You’re going to have to compete anywhere you go.” – Mariota’s father
  5. If one is successful, the entire state (Hawaii) is successful – Mariota
  6. When they call your name (as the winner), you’re a different person from that moment forward. – Marcus Allen
  7. You have a lot of disappointments but you have to work your way through them. – John Huarte
  8. Mental strength allows (Amare) Cooper to conquer pain. – Chris Fowler
  9. He’s a good kid…He does what he needs to do. – Cooper’s mother Michelle Green
  10. There’s always more to do…There isn’t time to celebrate.  I’m chasing something far beyond that. – Cooper
  11. Amare has affected everyone in our organization because of the example he sets. – Nick Saban
  12. He (Cooper) leads by example…It starts in the off-season. – Tebow
  13. This award belongs to my teammates.
  14. I love every single one of you (teammates).
  15. Young Poly athletes everywhere you should take this as motivation and dream big.
  16. Mom and dad, thank you for sacrificing and giving me every opportunity I’ve ever had.

What are your thoughts on Mariota’s victory?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.