Live Blog From Velocity 2015 Conference: 39 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Mike Linch


In an effort to add value to pastors and church leaders, today I am attending the Velocity 2015 Conference for church planters.

The first breakout speakers was conducted by Mike Linch, the incredible pastor of NorthStar Church in Kennesaw,GA.  His inspirational will help anyone currently facing crisis and overwhelming circumstances.

The following are 39 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Mike Linch:

  1. I never set out to be a pastor. I was a baseball player…My team voted that I should go into ministry.
  2. David made it to his greatest day by simple obedience.
  3. Saul looked the part of a king. Acted the part. Dressed the part.
  4. It’s easy to sit in a conference like this and go, “I want their armor to wear back home.”
  5. God never created you to wear someone’s armor…He has equipped us all uniquely to fight the battles He’s called us to fight.
  6. The earlier we discover who we were created to be, the more giants we will kill.
  7. Sometimes we waste our ministry trying to be someone we weren’t created to be.
  8. It’s harder to be unique now than in 1997 when we started NorthStar Church.
  9. If you’re not remarkable, you’re invisible. – Simon Sinek
  10. God did not equip you to be anybody but you.
  11. We’ve helped hundreds of church plants. The ones who know who they are are the ones who make it.
  12. If we are wearing the armor intended for someone else, it will impede what God has equipped us to do.
  13. God has something only I can do like I can do it.
  14. Fear paralyzes us. 40 days the nation of Israel was paralyzed.
  15. The longer we let fear rule, inaction becomes normal.
  16. Fear keeps us from becoming who God created us to be. Fear tells us, “You can’t.”
  17. Two things the enemy can do when he has your heart – Distract you with temptation. Discourage you with fear.
  18. David wasn’t smart enough to stand around long.
  19. We do great standing up on Sunday telling people what the plan for their life is. Why is that we struggle with the plan for our life?
  20. Great things do not always come from great plans. Great things from great obedience.
  21. Great things swing on the hinges of doors called obedience.
  22. Goliath was just too big to miss.
  23. God never wastes your time. And He never wastes your experiences.
  24. God has spent your life getting you prepared for where you were today.
  25. Our past is never wasted.
  26. David had no clue those nights in silence he was never alone.
  27. What we would wish away God typically uses the most.
  28. The lion and the bear prepared David for the greatest battle he would ever face.
  29. Perry Noble is starting eight campuses. We can’t start eight new small groups.
  30. We have to realize the armor isn’t wrong. It’s just ours. The armor was fitted for Saul, just not David.
  31. We short-change God’s work in our lives and minimize what He Can do through us when we try to be someone else. Believe in your call and be who God called you to believe.
  32. What if God’s plan for you is just to be faithful?
  33. Our ultimate job is to be faithful to the gifts God’s given us.
  34. The harvest is not our job. The church down the street may get the harvest for the seeds you planted.
  35. Find your voice. I work with athletes and coaches. That’s my voice because no one else is doing it.
  36. David has exactly what he needed and he’d been using it for years.
  37. Peter never questioned if God could walk on water. He only questioned if he could.
  38. I’ve seen more churches failed because people stopped rather than things that didn’t work.
  39. We don’t burn out because of what we do. We burn out because we forget why we do what we do.

Also, if you are a pastor or church leader, please make sure you take advantage of a special FREE resource shown below from INJOY Stewardship Solutions which will make you a better preacher.

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As a gift to all pastors and church leaders reading this post, INJOY Stewardship Solutions is pleased to offer your the FREE copy of our latest Ebook Nothing Grows A Church Faster.  This resource contains a complete done-for-you sermon series with outlines on stewardship and generosity.  This information will relieve stress and make you a better preacher.  Click HERE or on the image to the left to download this information.  Enjoy!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.