“I Don’t Go To Church But I Want To Be A Better Parent, Have A Happy Marriage, & Get Help With My Finances.”

“I Don’t Go To Church But I Want To Be A Better Parent.”

“I Don’t Go To Church But I Want To Raise Good Kids.”

“I Don’t Go To Church But I Want A Happy Marriage.”

“I Don’t Go To Church But I Need Help With My Finances.”

“I Don’t Go To Church But I Am Lonely.”

“I Don’t Go To Church But….. you fill in the blank.”

The unchurched in your community desperately need answers to the issues they face.  They need helpful content to help guide them through troubled waters.  The unchurched in your community need a solid foundation during times of uncertainty.  They have a deep need to know there is a God who is absolutely crazy about them.  So how can pastors and churches help people BEFORE they ever come to our church?

Leaders are early adopters.  They think outside-the-box, often years ahead of others.  If you want to see one of the future methods of evangelism and community outreach, the interview above is for you.

I recently spoke with Michael Lukaszewski, the Founder of Church Fuel.  It was a privilege for me to spend time with him because no one is better equipped to help churches provide helpful content to the communities that they actually ask for.  Sound strange?

The following are just 7 of the Practical Tips For Churches Who Want To Provide Helpful Content To Their Communities discussed in the interview above:

  1. Create something of value that people want so they actually ask you for it.
  2. The are few ways to better spend your time as a pastor than pastor your community BEFORE they ever visit your church.
  3. Content Marketing is a way to invite people to church.
  4. If you time your Content Marketing efforts at time they (the people in your community) are doing something in real life, you’re helping them.
  5. Create expected and unexpected content.  Create giveaways.
  6. We have found great results advertising on Facebook.  For more on this topic, click 7 Effective Ways Pastors And Churches Use Facebook To Grow The Church.
  7. Content Marketing is so affordable…It is cheaper than direct mail.

No one knows more about helping churches with Content Marketing and getting your message out than Michael.  He wants to show you exactly how to do everything discussed in the interview above with a Content Marketing for Churches course which kicks off on May 5th.  Please click HERE to learn more and get started.  I cannot recommend this enough.


Also, click HERE or on the image to the left for a wonderful FREE Ebook from Michael on how churches can use content marketing in general to better reach their communities.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.