Live Blog From Orange Conference ’15: 33 Leadership Lessons From Perry Noble


In an effort to add value to pastors and church leaders, I am live blogging significant portions of this week’s Orange Conference and their amazing Senior Leader’ Track.  For pastors and church leaders, this is the most informative and thought-provocing three days you can spend all year.  It is “can’t miss” event for church leaders.

The morning’s next session was led by the incomparable Perry Noble, senior pastor of NewSpring Church in Anderson, SC

Before getting to Perry’s thoughts on why churches stop growing, INJOY Stewardship Solutions is offering a FREE download of Church Branding 101.  In this resource Ken Wilson, Director of NewSpring Creative, will be walking us through NewSpring Church’s recent rebranding process.  You do not want to miss this.  Click here or on the image above to sign up.  Now onto the lessons from Perry’s session.

The following are 33 Leadership Quotes and Lessons from the morning’s opening plenary session:

  1. Pinterest is porn for women.
  2. Because I had a bad experience early in my life, I missed the experience of a lifetime.
  3. Every person in this room that is involved in family ministry has had a bad experience.
  4. Part-time staff are only part-time in pay.
  5. There are days you don’t feel like a student pastor. You feel like a drama coach.
  6. Most of my bad experiences were parents.
  7. You’re making a bigger difference than you could ever imagine. Hang in there.
  8. I don’t wear skinny jeans because I don’t have skinny genes.
  9. Saul gave David a shot at doing ministry while he was young.
  10. The problem with the church is we move from anointing to pedigree. The problem is we make decisions on academics rather than a person’s desire to make a difference in the world.
  11. Most people who put their theological degrees in their Twitter handle are complete rear ends.
  12. We’ve got the opportunity every week to teach children that Jesus is not boring.
  13. The sooner you get students involved in ministry the more solid their relationship with Jesus becomes.
  14. We’ve got to love students enough to spend money on them.
  15. The problem in America is sin loves our students more than the church does.
  16. The next generation is the greatest mission field in the world. Drive by your local high school.
  17. Most men are wired to fight.
  18. There’s come a point when we’ve had enough. And when we’ve had enough, we’ve had enough.
  19. I’m nowhere near where I am with my walk with Jesus. I just wish I was just like you.
  20. The next generation is wired to fight.
  21. The generation coming up now is the most cause-driven generation in history.
  22. What we call impossible. They call normal.
  23. We don’t reach the next generation. We raise up the next generation to reach the next generation.
  24. The next generation is fighting battles we are totally unaware of.
  25. The worst thing we can say is we faced the same kind of things in high school. No we didn’t.
  26. Because they’ve fought battles we’ve never fought they’ll discover methods for reaching people we’ll never discover.
  27. If David fought the battle the way Saul would have wanted him to fight the battle, David dies.
  28. God thank you I don’t get it. God thank you that we’ve created an environment where I don’t have to get it.
  29. If you have an interpretive dance team at your church, the 1990s called (and they want their dance team back).
  30. Saul was concerned about protecting David. David didn’t need protection. He needed permission.
  31. My music + my preferences + my style of service = our church’s funeral.
  32. I want a “Me too” environment. I’m struggling. Me too.
  33. Your cat would eat you if it were bigger than you.

More to come this afternoon.

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Subscribe to this site and get my latest FREE eBook Skinny Jeans And A Tattoo Does Not Make You A Leader.  Featuring leaders like Andy Stanley, Bill Hybels and Perry Noble, this resource includes 999 additional leadership quotes from the 2014 Double, Global Leadership Summit, and Catalyst  Conferences.  Click HERE or on the image to the left to sign up and get your FREE resource.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.