Live Notes From Leadercast – 56 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Peyton Manning


Today I am being dispatched by Injoy Stewardship Solutions (ISS) to attend the Chick-Fil-A Leadercast.  In an effort to grow in my skills to better add value to pastors and church leaders, I will be live blogging throughout.

The second session’s first speaker was Peyton Manning, the incomparable quarterback of the Denver Broncos.

Before getting to Peyton’s thoughts on being a brave and bold leader, INJOY Stewardship Solutions is offering a FREE download of Church Branding 101.  In this resource Ken Wilson, Director of NewSpring Creative, will be walking us through NewSpring Church’s recent rebranding process.  Click here or on the image above to sign up.

The following are  56 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Peyton Manning:

  1. You better be prepared to be game changers or you will be left in the dust.
  2. Anyone who waits tor someone else to initiate change automatically becomes a follower.
  3. Fierce conversations are intense. They unbridled.
  4. Every leader needs to master the intense conversations,
  5. Every good leader needs to come to grips with the need for intense conversations.
  6. Decision-making is the currency to becoming a good leader.
  7. I faced monumental decisions long before I was read. But how you deal with ambiguity determines how you do everything else.
  8. Nobody cares about what a player did last year.
  9. Every leader needs people who will shoot straight with them.
  10. Very few fans get to experience the tunnel before a game.
  11. The fans are in the sunlight just beyond. When you’re in the tunnel it is the last time your emotions can affect us. On the field, you have to tune out distractions.
  12. What have you done to get ready?
  13. Some people can see with their eyes but have no vision. – Helen Keller
  14. My goal is to be a game changer.
  15. The quarterback is expected to lead a team of fearless, talented multi-millionaires.
  16. If you ever get into the huddle, you be the leader and you take control of that huddle.
  17. People, organizations have become too comfortable. Lazy. Unimaginative. Launching old ideas.
  18. Learn to thrive on being uncomfortable.
  19. At the beginning of practice I start practice by throwing “odd” throws.
  20. Every market faces constant flux and creates a constant sense of unknown causing adjustments.
  21. Teammates need to be on a level playing ground.
  22. Devote yourself to intense preparations.
  23. As competitors we are all looking for an edge to maximize our outcomes.
  24. Invest in a coach.
  25. It doesn’t matter how seasoned any of us are. We all need a coach.
  26. I want to be coached. I get angry when I’m not coached.
  27. As soon as someone stops learning to be coached, they’re in big trouble.
  28. As a leader, delivering help trumps offering hope any day of the week.
  29. Find a way to instill trust in others.
  30. The team has to trust the quarterback can affect vital outcomes.
  31. Leaders cannot afford to allow changes to drag them down. They need to be stimulated by the changes.
  32. Bravely adjust to realities.
  33. What is your alternative to the fastball?
  34. Become a master observer.
  35. Look at things no one else is willing to look at.
  36. Focus on things that are normally taken for granted. We learn when we observe.
  37. Every year I set individual goals which I think will affect team success.
  38. All leaders need to set personal goals to motivate themselves but affect team success. Otherwise, they are empty accolades.
  39. No one can lead without people to follow.
  40. Understand the sustained power and influence which flow from your relationships with other people.
  41. You’re going to receive a lot of criticism, most of it unsolicited.
  42. You can’t be afraid to work on your weaknesses.
  43. You get better or you get worse everyday. You don’t stay the same.
  44. Accept honest feedback.
  45. A veteran employee doesn’t want to hear what a rookie employee wants to hear until you have earned their respect.
  46. You can’t lead until you’ve earned the respect of the people you’re leading.
  47. I got up from every hit.
  48. You earn respect by working, not by talking.
  49. Due to some recent law changes in Colorado, the pizza business is pretty good.
  50. My dad never pushed me into sports.
  51. I always appreciate my dad being at my games.
  52. Tony Dungy is every bit a man as you think he is.
  53. We are want loyalty in our coaches and leaders.
  54. We all have responsibility to give back in certain ways. Create some kind of balance.
  55. Your time can best just as powerful.
  56. It’s all about finishing. Halftime, you got to be careful. Don’t get comfortable

Getting ready for the afternoon sessions.

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Subscribe to this site and get my latest FREE eBook Skinny Jeans And A Tattoo Does Not Make You A Leader.  Featuring leaders like Andy Stanley, Bill Hybels and Perry Noble, this resource includes 999 additional leadership quotes from the 2014 Double, Global Leadership Summit, and Catalyst  Conferences.  Click HERE or on the image to the left to sign up and get your FREE resource.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.