The #1 Reason Pastors Give Me As To Why Their Churches Are Growing

What is your perception of pastors of fast-growing churches?  The media and trolls on the internet do not paint a positive picture for us.  We are led to believe these pastors are rock stars, egotistical, and only concerned about numbers, status and financial wealth?

Based upon my experience, I have found these misconceptions to be completely false and unfounded.

As a member of INJOY Stewardship Solutions, I am in the unique position of only speaking with pastors of growing churches.  Leaders of plateaued or declining churches rarely return my calls or emails unless it is for debt retirement or long overdue renovations.

During these conversations I make time to ask the pastor, “Only about 10% of churches are growing and you are part of that group.  What do you think is causing the growth?”

Their response gives me tremendous insight into the church’s DNA, values, vision and tactics.  But the primary reason I ask this question is out of sheer fascination about what God is blessing and why.

Upon asking, the answer I receive the most is quite surprising.

Often they reply, “Brian, we try to have good systems, do things with excellence, have relevant messages, love students and be active in our city.  But our staff was just talking about it this past week, and the truth is….we don’t know where everyone is coming from.  It is truly a move of God and we’re just trying not to mess it up.”

We don’t know where everyone is coming from.  It is truly a move of God and we’re just trying not to mess it up.  This is BY FAR the the #1 reason pastors give me as to why their churches grow.  Not the preaching.  Not their systems.  Not their competencies.  Not their creativity.  Not the lighting or music.  The answer I have heard literally hundreds of times is the growth results from a move of God.

Most pastors of fast-growing churches are not arrogant or full of themselves.  They are not about the money, fame and privilege.

Most pastors of fast-growing churches are incredibly humble.  They want to honor God with their lives, have happy marriages, raise Godly children and are truly in awe the God of human history, would place His finger on their lives and use them in such an impactful way.

My prayer is if you are not already doing so, you will one day have the privilege of sitting under such a Godly leader.

And if this post describes your current pastor, please forward these thoughts to him with a note expressing your personal appreciation for how blessed you are to have him as a pastor.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.