30 People You Want On Your Team

What type of people do you want on your team?  Allow me to provide you the list of the type of teammates I am looking for.

  1. You want people who can handle adversity.  They handle failure and conflict productively.
  2. You want people who can overcome their limitations offering a very special skill instead.
  3. You want people who produce when it is needed most.
  4. You want people with high intelligence.
  5. You want people with a sense of urgency.
  6. You want people who are focused and not easily distracted.
  7. You want individual profit centers.  They generate revenue.
  8. You want people who can move the organization forward.
  9. You want people with endurance.  They are always available.
  10. You want people with relational intelligence.
  11. You want people who have earned respect because they have shown respect.
  12. You want continual learners.  They are humble enough to know they do not know everything.
  13. You want people who finish what they start.
  14. You want people who know their role and fit well in your system.
  15. You want people who are outliers.  If you can find them, they have rare skills.
  16. You want people with a deep passion for your organization and what it provides.
  17. You want people who not only think outside the box but think about new ways to use the resources found inside the box.
  18. You want people with situational awareness.  They recognize and seize opportunity.
  19. You want people to not only do their job but also give you something extra.
  20. You want your best performers to be your best leaders.
  21. You want people who hate mediocrity.  Good is the enemy of the best.
  22. You want efficient people.  They don’t waste time.  You can’t get it back.
  23. You want problem solvers.
  24. You want people who make other people better.
  25. You want great communicators.  Leadership comes with a microphone.
  26. You want producers.  As John Maxwell once wrote – don’t confuse activity with accomplishment.
  27. You want people who celebrate success.
  28. You want people who are willing to pay a price others aren’t willing to pay.
  29. You want loyalty.  Loyalty does not make you a leader but disloyalty will disqualify you.
  30. You want leaders with high character.  Otherwise, your talent will take you places where you character cannot sustain you.

Are these the type of people you are looking for?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.