Live Blog: 2015 Leadership Summit – 34 Leadership Quotes From Dr. Brene Brown

In an effort to add value to pastors and church leaders, INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to attend the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.  During the next three days, I will be bringing the top leadership lessons from the incredible faculty the WCA has assembled.

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The afternoon’s second session was conducted by Dr. Brene Brown.  Dr. Brown’s newest book, Rising Strong, releases this fall and examines how falling down can be our greatest call to courage and why owning our stories of struggle gives us the power to write a daring new ending.

The following are 34 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Dr. Brene Brown from the Global Leadership Summit:

Bill Hybels

  • In the early days of the Summit, my faith was far too small.

Dr. Brene Brown

  1. The gift of mid-life is you can play the tape until the end.
  2. Anger is a secondary emotion. It always covers something.
  3. The number one shame trigger for women is appearance and body image.
  4. The number one shame trigger for men is appearance of weakness.
  5. You show me a man who can sit with a women showing fear and vulnerability and I’ll show you a man who has worked on his vulnerability.
  6. The perpetrator of shame for men is women.
  7. You and I are all we have have. – Brene to her husband
  8. We want more love, more intimacy, more belonging, more joy. The only path to those things is more vulnerability.
  9. Our brain is neurologically hard-wired to make up a story about what is happening.
  10. If we can make up a story, our brain rewards us chemically whether the story is accurate or not.
  11. The stories we make up have good guys and bad guys.
  12. A conspiracy is limited data points filled in with values and ideals.
  13. What people do in the middle-space (you’re too far in to turn back but can’t see the end) is what separates good leaders from non-leaders.
  14. The only thing experience gives us is a little bit of grace that you’ve done this before.
  15. “Better than” is the other side of the coin of “not good enough”.
  16. The Reckoning – the first thing people who get up after a fall is those who are curious about what happened.
  17. What transformational leaders share in common – First, they do discomfort. I’ve never met a powerful leader who was not OK with discomfort.
  18. They have emotional awareness of themselves and the people around them.
  19. We are emotional people who sometimes think. Emotion dictates behavior.
  20. Curiosity and lines of inquiry are the greatest tools for a leader.
  21. Curiosity is currency of the realm in leadership.
  22. Second, you must rumble with emotion.
  23. We have to get brave about talking about discomfort.
  24. We clap for the truth.
  25. As leaders, you can choose comfort or you can choose courage. You can’t choose both.
  26. Third, the revolution. When this becomes a practice in your life.
  27. Our worthiness as people live inside stories. When we deny the story, it defines us.
  28. As a leader, you don’t get to write the ending to a story you don’t own.
  29. Courage is uncomfortable. That is why it’s rare.
  30. The bravest among us will always be the most broken-hearted because we have the courage to love.
  31. Those who know engagement and care will always be disappointed.
  32. Those who are creative will always know failure.
  33. If you are brave enough, often enough you are always going to fail.
  34. There is nothing more dangerous to the cynics than someone who is willing to care and fail, because we will get back up.

Up next is Sallie Krawcheck.  And if you have not already, don’t forget to click the image below for your free resource from INJOY Stewardship Solutions.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.