Live Blog: 2015 Leadership Summit – 38 Leadership Quotes From Liz Wiseman

In an effort to add value to pastors and church leaders, INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to attend the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.  During the next three days, I will be bringing the top leadership lessons from the incredible faculty the WCA has assembled.

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Next up was Liz Wiseman.  Liz teaches leadership to executives and emerging leaders around the world. She is the president of The Wiseman Group, a leadership development firm, listed on the Thinkers50 ranking and named one of the top 10 leadership thinkers in the world.

The following are 38 Leadership Quotes From Liz Wiseman from the Global Leadership Summit:

Additional thoughts from Bill Hybels

  1. Giving emboldens the soul.
  2. Generosity largens and strengthens and purifies your heart.
  3. Your first priority in giving should be your local church.
  4. Willow’s diversity rate has gone from 2% 10 years ago to 34% now through intentionality and teaching.
  5. What are you willing to die for? Live for that? – Dr. Andrew Young to Common and the cast of Selma

Liz Wiseman

  1. It’s not what you know. It’s how fast you can learn.
  2. Is it possible we are at our best when we know the absolute least?
  3. Be cautious but quick.
  4. It was my naivete which forced me to move fast and stay close to the business.
  5. I don’t want a job I’m qualified for. There would be nothing to learn.
  6. In the rookie state, we operate in small, simple but powerful ways.
  7. In a physical world, experienced people outperform inexperienced people.
  8. With experience, we can make assumptions. We can make some bad assumptions.
  9. We can get so focused on what we’re doing we miss what’s going on.
  10. Inexperienced people are unencumbered.
  11. Newcomers bring no ideas. What do you do when you have nothing? It forces you to look outside and find out what others are doing.
  12. Newcomers work in baby steps because they want feedback.
  13. Newcomers deliver things very fast, not because they’re skilled, but because they’re desperate.
  14. When you lack resources is when you get resourceful.
  15. When the challenge level goes up, satisfaction goes up. When the challenge is low, satisfaction at work is low.
  16. The rookie zone is powerful because we don’t like it. We do great work in this zone because we want to reduce the tension.
  17. Signs you’re on a plateau – things are going smoothly.
  18. Signs you’re on a plateau – you’ve got all the answer.
  19. Signs you’re on a plateau – you’re getting positive feedback.
  20. When we’re at the top of our game is when we’re leaving a plateau.
  21. Signs you’re on a plateau – you’re a mentor for work that no longer exists.
  22. It’s easy to step back and let our jobs stay at a busy state.
  23. We can be dulled to danger because we’re so comfortable.
  24. You must pivot between leader and learner.
  25. How to pivot – Throw away your notes.
  26. My students deserve fresh thinking every semester.
  27. There is no more powerful shift a leader can make than from knowing to inquiry.
  28. Admit what you don’t know.
  29. In a growing company, you’re under-qualified every day.
  30. Maybe the people looking up to you, maybe you should admit what you don’t know.
  31. We need leaders who step back and can follow someone else’s lead.
  32. Leaders need more than just a forward gear. We need to be able to stop and sometimes reverse.
  33. You need to put yourself at the bottom of a learning curve.
  34. Sometimes in our state of not knowing, we get to know God and His hand working on us.
  35. The rookie zone is where we find our greatest joy.
  36. In today’s reality we’re all rookies. The only question is are we going to use rookie smarts.
  37. The best leaders know when to draw on their experience and when to get their rookie on.
  38. Create new beginnings.

The final speaker will be Summit favorite Craig Groeschel.  If you have not already, don’t forget to click the image below for your free resource from INJOY Stewardship Solutions.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.