12 Signs You Have Great Momentum

Momentum is a mysterious thing.  Momentum is hard to explain but you know it when you have it and you know it when you don’t.  And when you don’t have it, you do everything possible to get it back.  So the question begs, are there things you can do to generate momentum?  I think the answer is “Yes”.  Allow me to explain.

These are good days at my place of employment INJOY Stewardship Solutions.  God is truly blessed our efforts to help churches with their capital campaigns and cultures of generosity.  Last week, I spent two days in our corporate offices serving our team.  As I was getting ready to return home, I looked at our owner and CEO Joe Sangl and said, “This is what momentum feels like.”

I spent a lot of time thinking about that statement driving home and why our organization currently has momentum.  In an effort to help you generate momentum for your church, business, athletic team or non-profit, I broke down the day and gleaned 12 Signs You Have Great Momentum:

  1. There Is Positive Energy When You Enter A Room – The temperature of the room rises when a leader walks in.  On the other hand, we have all been in rooms when some leaders walk in the room, it shuts down.
  2. There Is A Spirit Of Collaboration – People are working well together.
  3. New Teammates Are Being Added – This is a sign of progress.  Your organization is expanding.
  4. New Teammates Are Being Developed – You have a culture of personal growth and development.
  5. New Teammates Are Then Contributing – Adding new people is not enough.  They must contribute.
  6. Everyone Is Contributing To The Bottom Line – One person does not have to carry the entire weight.  You have built a team with great depth.
  7. There Are New Solutions To Existing Problems – What problem is your organization attempting to solve?  This is why you exist.  Momentum happens when you are fulfilling your purpose.  Creativity matters here.
  8. New Opportunities Are Coming Your Way – When fish are jumping into the boat, you have momentum.
  9. You Are Winning – To generate positive momentum, start getting small wins under your belt.
  10. Measurable Results – Goals are not only being met, they are being exceeded.
  11. You Are Causing Others To Have Momentum – Your cup runneth over my friend.  As a leader, it is not enough for you to be personally successful.  You want to be so successful it creates significant opportunity for your teammates.  Everyone must cross the finish line together.
  12. Celebration Is Fueling Momentum – To maintain momentum, you must prioritize the celebration of your organizational wins.  This is your team’s payoff for doing a great job.

What is one thing from this list you can begin doing today to generate momentum?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.