The High Calling Of Working With God’s Wife

As a husband I am very particular who works with my wife.  Whether it is the mechanic who changes the oil in her car when I am out of town, the plumber, electrician, exterminator or even accountant who does our taxes, I only allow people to work with her I trust.  As a husband, it is my job to protect her.

I work with God’s wife – the local church.  Through my work on capital campaigns with INJOY Stewardship Solutions and the content I provide on this site, God has tapped me on the shoulder and set me aside to spend my life resourcing and working with His wife.

As protective as I am of my wife, can you imagine how protective God is of His?!

There are a variety of industries created to assist churches in seeing their mission and vision become reality.  Some are the following:

  • Capital Campaigns (this is what I do)
  • Financial Lenders
  • Church Architects and Builders
  • Staffing Agencies
  • Content Providers
  • Chairs, Audio/Visual and other Fixtures
  • Church Growth
  • Communications
  • Books and Magazines
  • Personal Coaching
  • And many, many others

Working with God’s wife is a high and holy calling.  One which I do not take lightly.  One which humbles me and drives me to my knees in prayer on a daily basis because I know without the power of God in my life, I am in way over my head.

The following are three primary areas I work on everyday in hopes of being a man worthy of the calling I have been given:

  1. Character – Each day I start with Bible reading and prayer.  Whenever I call upon or visit a pastor I have no idea what circumstances they may be facing.  For instance, they may have just received a call about someone dying or experiencing a personal tragedy.  Someone in their church may have just lost a job.  They may have even had a staffing issue of their own.  The pastor may be having a conflict with a key leader in the church.  Also, pastors sometimes have issues at home just like the rest of us.  I must be spiritually equipped to serve their spiritual needs.  Also, if you are not careful, your talent can take you to a place where your character cannot sustain you.
  2. Competence – Pastors are well-educated, very intelligent individuals.  However, 4/5 of churches are plateaued or declining.  I am fascinated why the 1/5 are growing.  Today, I spoke with a pastor whose church has grown 400% in three years.  When asked what were the catalysts for his church’s growth, he noted social media, the church’s passion for serving their community, and his ability to connect with single moms and young families because of his age.  His insights made me smarter.
  3. Creativity – What made you successful yesterday will not keep you successful tomorrow.  We must always be trying new things.  I am currently piloting a 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader study for business leaders at my home church.  You can read more about its details by clicking HERE.  What I learn over the next 10 weeks will allow me better serve churches in the area of leadership development.

Character, Competence and Creativity.  Improving in these three areas on a daily basis is helping serve God’s wife better.  Let’s hope I am up to the task.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.