30 Lessons On Making Your Leadership Dreams Come True


What are your dreams as a leader?  Is it planting a church and growing a great ministry?  Or perhaps it is building a prevailing company or an enduring non-profit which serves the needs of the poor and under-resourced?

Perhaps your dream will solve problems and bring relief to those who are hurting?  I think all parents have great dreams for their children and want to help position them for success.

On Friday mornings through November I am teaching my 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader course to approximately 30 business leaders.  The first practice is Dreaming and I brought in the incredible Senior Pastor of Piedmont Church Ike Reighard to teach leadership principles related to the subject.  Ike is the most inspirational person I know and has a deep passion for seeing the dreams of others become reality.

The following are 30 Lessons On Making Your Leadership Dreams Come True I gleaned from Ike’s session.  I wanted to share his thoughts with you.

  1. As you get older you downplay your dreams a little bit.
  2. The day that your memories are greater than your dreams you’re dead in the water.
  3. Dreams are what drive you forward.
  4. You attach the word “change” to the word “dream”.
  5. I communicate three things – faith, hope and love.
  6. Inspire means to breath life into something.
  7. 55% of people say, “I’m not engaged in my job.”
  8. 16% say, “I am actively disengaged.” That is a 71% disengaged rate.
  9. OBT – On Board Terrorists. They’re getting paid but they’re trying to blow up the company.
  10. The number one time for heart attacks is 5:00 AM to 7:00 AM on Monday mornings.
  11. The highest time for suicides is Sunday nights.
  12. A lot of people are working in a toxic workplace.
  13. Dreamers look at way the things that are but think of things of the way things could be.
  14. “Why” people are victims.
  15. “Why Not” people are victors.
  16. Anytime you have a God-given dream it has a cycle – Birth, Death, and Re-Birth. (Hab 2:2)
  17. A dream without the ability to execute is hallucination.
  18. The main job of a leader is to define reality.
  19. Take aspirations and turn them into accomplishments. And to do this you need execution.
  20. A leader gives hope.
  21. The smartest person in the room is asking questions. Ask questions of God.
  22. A dream is something that you think about. A goal has a deadline. A goal is committed to paper.
  23. “A dream is a wish that your heart makes.” – Walt Disney
  24. Are the things I’m doing right now moving me toward my goal or away from my goal?
  25. Always start with Why.
  26. The Law Of Inertia – An object at rest will tend to stay at rest until an object of greater force comes along.
  27. What’s going to happen if we don’t change?
  28. Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.
  29. A stalled career is often the fast track to success.
  30. Never mistake a detour for a denial.

If you are looking for daily inspiration I recommend you click HERE and follow Ike on Twitter or purchase his daily devotional book he co-wrote with Zig Ziglar Life Promises For Leaders: Inspirational Scripture And Devotional Thoughts.  You can order this resource by clicking HERE or on the image above.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.