Catalyst ’15 – 21 Leadership Quotes From Brene Brown

As a member of the Catalyst Blog Team and INJOY Stewardship SolutionsI will be bringing you live updates from the much anticipated Catalyst Conference in Atlanta, GA.  The theme for this year’s conference is Awaken The Wonder.

The next speakers for Catalyst were sociologist Dr. Brene Brown, author of Rising Strong.  The following are 21 Leadership Quotes and Lessons from her interesting session.

Also, before reading, make sure you check out the announcement from INJOY Stewardship Solutions shown below about a FREE webinar on October 13th for churches needing to raise capital in 2016.  Now onto her thoughts:

  1. If we are brave enough often enough, we are going to fall.
  2. We don’t have enough conversations in our culture today about what it takes to get back up.
  3. If you choose courage over comfort, choosing integrity over what is fast and easy, practicing values – you’re going to fall and it’s going to hurt.
  4. We have three ways of managing shame – move away, people pleasing, or use anger to fight shame.
  5. When something hard happens to us, emotion gets the first crack at making sense of what happened.
  6. We are not thinking beings. We are emotional beings. We are believing beings.
  7. When something hard happens, the brain is hardwired for only one thing – survival.
  8. We are wired for story. The brain recognizes beginning, middle and end.
  9. The brain rewards us for the story regardless of its accuracy. It wants a story that minimizes ambiguity.
  10. We are wired – Stimulus, Pattern, Action
  11. How to overcome disappointment – They recognize they are triggered by emotion.
  12. You cannot create an innovative, loving culture if you do not understand emotion.
  13. Transformational leaders have three things in common – very high capacity for discomfort, full understanding of your emotional world and landscape, and a full understanding of the emotional landscape of those who work for you.
  14. A very high capacity for discomfort is why there are so few good leaders.
  15. What do men and women have in common who recon with emotion – mindfulness and breathing.
  16. A common force of mindfulness and paying attention is prayer.
  17. We are much better at inflicting pain than feeling pain.
  18. In the absence of data that explain what’s happening, people make up stories.
  19. When you own your story you get to write the ending. The second you deny a story it owns you.
  20. You can’t find the surface when you’re drowning.
  21. If you have the courage to love anyone, you will have broken-heartedness.

More leadership insights to come throughout the day.  And do not forget to join our team at INJOY Stewardship Solutions on October 13th for a session entitled How One Capital Campaign Raised Over $10 Billion.  It will be a fun hour of equipping and training.  Click HERE or on the image below to register today.

$10B webinar image

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.