Catalyst ’15 – 40 Leadership Quotes From Guy Kawasaki

As a member of the Catalyst Blog Team and INJOY Stewardship SolutionsI will be bringing you live updates from the much anticipated Catalyst Conference in Atlanta, GA.  The theme for this year’s conference is Awaken The Wonder.

The day’s next speaker in the Catalyst lineup was marketing guru Guy Kawasaki.  The following are 40 Leadership Quotes and Lessons from his informative session.

Also, as a special gift to everyone reading these posts, INJOY Stewardship is offering a complimentary downloadable Ebook Discipling Financial Leaders.  Click Here to Download this Free Resource!   Now onto Guy’s thoughts along with Rep. John Lewis and Chris Brown:

United States Representative John Lewis

  1. As a little boy I was deeply inspired by the teachings of Jesus.
  2. When you see nothing that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to do something about it.
  3. Leaders are called to be headlights, not tail lights.
  4. Our president could send troops to Viet Nam but couldn’t send troops to Selma, AL to protect our right to votre.
  5. As leaders of the 21st century, you have an obligation to make it plain.
  6. Leaders must lead. And never, ever give up or give in.

Chris Brown – National Syndicated Radio Host

  1. Often worry trumps wonder.
  2. Oftentimes wonder gets choked out by familiarity. It also gets choked out by distraction.
  3. The only thing I wondered about as a kid was when I was going to get hit next.
  4. A baseball coach believed in me. He gave me opportunity.
  5. I borrowed his faith in me when I had no faith in myself.
  6. I was often wondering what was going to be on the table. Now I was wondering why I was at the table.
  7. Gratitude is the key that unlocks wonder.
  8. You keep gratitude by generosity.
  9. If we as leaders want to keep gratitude in our lives we must act on it.
  10. Many of us need to get out of tactical meetings and touch some pain with generosity.
  11. We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. – Winston Churchill

Guy Kawasaki

  1. If you don’t take a selfie the event didn’t happen.
  2. Steve Jobs was a remarkable person. Everything you’ve heard about him is true.
  3. You are all in organizations that can and should innovate to dent the universe.
  4. Great innovation occurs when people decide to make meaning. They decide to make the world a better place.
  5. Organizations that make money instead of meaning inevitably fail.
  6. Make a mantra.
  7. When the children outnumber the adults, it is a whole new world. You appreciate fast food.
  8. A mantra is two or three words which explain why you should exist.
  9. Jump to the next curve.
  10. Most organizations define themselves in what they currently do. They do not embrace the next curve.
  11. Great innovation does not occur when you duke it out on the current curve. It is when you jump to the next curve.
  12. Roll the dicee.
  13. Great products are deep. Lots of features. Lots of functionalities.
  14. Great products are intelligent.
  15. Great products are complete.
  16. Great products are empowering. They don’t fight you.
  17. You can take the evangelist out of Apple but you can’t take Apply out of the evangelist.
  18. Great products are elegant. Someone cared about the user interface. They cared about the design.
  19. Great products don’t worry. Ship it. It doesn’t have to be perfect.
  20. In Silicon Valley, we ship and then we test.
  21. Don’t try to achieve perfection.
  22. Great products blossom.
  23. When 100 of the wrong people attend your church, declare victory.
  24. One of the reasons I believe in God is because there is no other reason for Apple’s continued success than God.
  25. Great products polarize people. Great causes.
  26. Most people ask ads one day a year – Super Bowl Sunday.
  27. Great things polarize people. Not everyone likes it. That’s OK. The worst thing is people don’t care.
  28. Great products churn. You have to take version 1.0 and make it 2.0.
  29. Innovators needs to be in a little bit of denial.
  30. Great products need uniqueness and value.
  31. Perfect Your Pitch.
  32. Customize your intro.
  33. The optimal number of PowerPoint slides in a presentation is 10.
  34. You should be able to give your slides in 20 minutes.
  35. The optimal font size is 30 points.
  36. Always use a black background. Black is the new black.
  37. Don’t let the Bozos grind you down.
  38. Only a loser listens to a loser. They’re not dangerous. You’re not listening anyway.
  39. Rich and famous are often lucky. So be careful.
  40. If you listen to people who will tell you you will fail and then not try, that is the worst outcome of all.

More leadership insights to come throughout the day.  And do not forget to click HERE or on the image below for your free resource on discipling the financial leaders in your church.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.