31 Lessons For Pastors On Building A Great Church Staff

John Maxwell’s Law Of The Inner Circle says, “Those closest to you determine your level of success.”  Therefore, pastors, one of the most important things you can do to have a successful ministry is hire and develop a quality staff.

During the September 2nd edition of the Perry Noble Leadership Podcast, Perry discussed how he develops the incredible staff of NewSpring Church.  I felt his insights were so important I wanted to pass them along to you.  The following are 31 Lessons For Pastors On Building A Great Church Staff I captured from Perry’s podcast:

  1. Our church is not an organization because I’m a great leader.  Our church is a great organization because we have a great team.
  2. Individual players get noticed but teams win championships.
  3. I don’t look for education.  Just because a person has a lot of degrees does not mean they’re smart.
  4. The number one quality I look for in a person is grit.  Grit is the willingness to do whatever it takes to get something done.
  5. You may not have the resources but do you have the resourcefulness? Because if you have resourcefulness the resources will come.
  6. If you pat yourself on the back enough, you’re setting yourself up for a fall.
  7. The person who’s always telling you how hard they work is probably not working that hard.
  8. Everybody on our team, you have the ability to be the best in the world at what you do.  There’s no excuse to not be constantly learning.
  9. $19.99 for a book is a pretty cheap price to pay for wisdom.
  10. I just want people who are going to work hard.  If you show up at 9:02 and you leave at 4:58 everyday you’re probably not going to be on staff.
  11. If you’re here on time, and you stay until it’s time to go home and work hard while you’re here.  And if you’ll do those things, that is an irreplaceable team member.
  12. I’m always recruiting.
  13. I am the primary recruiter for NewSpring Church.
  14. It’s the responsibility of the leader to recruit the team.  It’s the responsibility of the leader to grow the team.
  15. God gives different people different abilities so my job as a leader isn’t to take a one talent person and make them a five talent person.  My job as a leader is to make sure that the one talent person doesn’t bury that talent in the sand.
  16. A leader cannot hold people accountable for unspoken, unrealistic expectations.
  17. At the end of the day, you don’t get excuses.  You get good quality work.  They just get stuff done.
  18. All a rut is is an extended grave.
  19. One of the things great teams do is they’re constantly pushing the edge, trying new things.
  20. We’ve made our staff meetings more frequent.  We have an every-week staff meeting.  It’s by video.  We bring everybody in live nine or 10 times a year.
  21. About a year ago I gave everybody on staff my cell phone number.  That’s like 400 people.
  22. Trust in a leader is essential for a team to grow and be successful.
  23. As leaders, the longer I lead, if I’m not careful, the more assumptions I’ll make.
  24. I just assume people think like I think.
  25. Leaders are repeaters.  Leaders are repeaters.  Leaders are repeaters.
  26. We have people on staff who were in a nursery when NewSpring started.
  27. The danger as a leader, is sometimes we hire people, we tell them what they’re supposed to do, and we cut ’em loose.  We weren’t looking for a team member.  We were looking for relief.
  28. If you’re going to be a great builder of teams, sooner or later you’ve got to pass out some encouragement.
  29. If a team wins, they celebrate in the locker room.
  30. They’ll celebrate the win.  Then the next day they’ll start correcting the mistakes.
  31. There is nothing wrong on Sunday that you can’t fix on Monday.

What is one thing you can take from this podcast which will make you a better team?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.