24 Steps To Successfully Leading Through Crisis

There are three types of leaders in the world:

  1. Those who have survived a crisis.
  2. Those who are in a crisis.
  3. Those who are headed for a crisis.

The nature of leadership demands we navigate through significant times of uncertainty and yes, even crisis.  Therefore, it is critical for leaders know how to handle crisis situations.

The following 24 Steps To Successfully Leading Through Crisis:

  1. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Feel Called To The Organization – Otherwise, why bother?  Think about it – highly successful leaders are not without options.
  2. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Be Willing To Make Difficult Decisions – Crisis situations demand definitive action.
  3. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Provide Stability – Stabilizing the organization gives your people a sense of security.
  4. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Institute Core Values And Principles – Regardless of the outcome, this is who we are and what we stand for.
  5. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Examine All Conceivable Alternatives – Leave no stone unturned when looking for solutions.
  6. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Re-Invest In The Organization – This tells your team there is a future and you are moving towards it.
  7. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Become A Giving Engine – Rather than focusing inward and solely on the issues you are facing, look outward and turn your attention to others.
  8. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Properly Evaluate Reality – Successful leaders take an unfiltered look at why they are in crisis.
  9. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Offer Hope – This tells others success is in their future.
  10. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Offer A Plan – Hope is not a strategy.  There must also be a detailed roadmap showing why hope exists.
  11. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Focus On The Customer Experience – For churches, non-profits and businesses, this will generate needed revenue and momentum.
  12. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Change – The behaviors which got you in the crisis will not get you out of the crisis.
  13. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Play To Your Strengths – Continue to leverage what you do well.
  14. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Build Mutually Beneficial Partnerships – You can accomplish more with “we” than “me”.
  15. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Invest In The Next Generation – This makes you sustainable.
  16. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Invest In And Leverage Technology – This often provides your fastest and most cost-effective solutions.
  17. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Raise The Standard Of Excellence – One person’s character does not determine yours.  Your circumstances will also not determine your level of effort and what is delivered.
  18. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Lead With Prayer And Humility – And with God’s grace you will succeed.
  19. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Have To Succeed.  You Must Succeed. – There are no other options.
  20. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Remember The Past – Your memory of God’s faithfulness and provision will sustain you through crisis situations.
  21. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Be Willing To Fight – Their mission and vision is far too important not to succeed.
  22. To Successfully Lead Through Crisis You Must Be Thankful – Thankful leaders are the ones most likely to survive crisis.  They will remain optimistic regardless of their circumstances.
  23. Successfully Leading Through Crisis You Allows You To Ultimately Richly Bless Others – You have carried them through the storm.
  24. Successfully Leading Through Crisis Results In Great Loyalty – Those who survive chaos situations develop a unique bond.

What is one item from this list you can do today to better lead your team through crisis?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.