Pastors, Are You Neglecting The Largest Group Of People In Your Church?

Many pastors are missing a huge opportunity every week.  It has to do with who is actually sitting in our chairs and pews each week.  I fear pastors and church leaders may be unknowingly neglecting the largest group of people who are showing up to our weekend services.

A lot of effort is put into understanding the demographic makeup of our churches.  And it should be.  Churches should strive to become multi-ethnic and multi-generational.  This is the New Testament model.

But most churches are also missing the obvious.  I live in the Atlanta area.  If I stand on any church platform in the Atlanta area and look out over the congregation, who do I see?  It is the same thing I see if I stand on any platform in the state of Georgia, or the Southeast, or anywhere else in America.

When I look at any congregation in America I see businessmen and women.  Specifically, I see the following six types of people:

  1. Businessmen and women.
  2. People married to businessmen and women.
  3. People studying to be businessmen and women.
  4. Children of businessmen and women.
  5. Retired businessmen and women.
  6. Or people transitioning from one of these groups to another.

If you are preaching salvation through none other but Jesus Christ, the virgin birth, the blood atonement, the inerrancy of Scripture, Jesus in coming back, and Heaven and Hell, you have not failed those in your church.

However, if you are not equipping those in your church to be successful in that which they do more of than anything else while away from church, you are not doing everything you could.

The following statement will shock many pastors and church leaders but it is true – Business leaders should have a competitive advantage in their industry because they attend your church. Let me explain.

Because the Bible is truth they should have a better framework for decision-making than their competitors.  Because pastors are the greatest communicators in the world, their communication skills should be better.  Christians should understand the value of people more than others.  Your business leaders should have the best conflict resolution skills in their industry.  And because they serve the God of all creation, they should be the most creative.

Your business leaders simply need to be discipled using the greatest leadership book ever written, the Bible.

It is with this premise that nine weeks ago I launched a 10-week study for business leaders using my 2-Minute Leader material.  In my 28 years of serving in churches in a number of capacities, I have never led something so well received.  There is a hunger in the business community to be equipped in with Biblical leadership principles like nothing I have ever experienced.

If you want to experience new momentum as a church and watch your leaders energized as never before, recognize the business leaders in your church and invest in them.  The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader and its accompanying study guide was written specifically for this purpose.

If you want help knowing how to best implement 2-Minute Leader studies in your church, click HERE and reach out to me.  I would be glad to help you get started serving the largest and most neglected contingency in your church.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.