19 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 is fantastic!  This movie is filled with action, suspense, and many twists and turns.  I am normally not interested in these type of movies but the final installment of this franchise is an incredible film.  Just to whet your appetite, Jennifer Lawrence amazing and the sewer scene ranks with any horror movie you will ever see!

Finally, only see this movie if you do not mind younger girls crying and cheering.  I’m just saying….

The following are 19 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2:

  1. Authentic Relationships Matter – Gale Hawthorne, played by Liam Hemsworth, tells Katniss, played by Jennifer Lawrence, after kissing her, “It’s like kissing someone who’s drunk.  It doesn’t count.”
  2. Leaders Demand Structure And Accountability – Katniss says, “I guess there’s no rule on what a person can do to another.”
  3. Leaders Must Be Willing To Make Hard Choices – Hawthorne said, “It’s a war.  Sometimes killing isn’t personal.”
  4. Great Leaders Go To Great Lengths To Foster Unity – Katniss told a group of refugees, “These people are not your enemy.  There is one enemy.  Snow!”
  5. Great Leaders Provide Clear Direction For Others – Katniss said, “I’m going to kill Snow.  Nothing is safe while he’s alive.”
  6. Great Leaders Inspire People – Katniss continually inspired those on the front lines of war through her words, actions and sacrifices.
  7. Smart Leaders Know Their People Need To Celebrate – Commander Paylor, played by Patina Miller, told the nation “History doesn’t stop to celebrate.”
  8. Smart Leaders Are Also Continually Looking Forward – Commander Paylor added, “You’ve made history.  Our future starts tomorrow at noon.”
  9. With The Help Of Social Media, Leaders Now Want To Control Their Own Message – One of the themes throughout all the Hunger Games movies was how the government controlled the media’s message to the harm of the people.
  10. Great Leaders Serve People.  Poor Leaders Use People. – President Alma Coin, played by Julianne Moore, continually used Katniss to advance her personal agenda.  After one such instance, Katniss noted, “I had no idea I meant so much to her.”
  11. Great Leaders Are Masters Of Their Craft – They lead with excellence.  It is no secret how incredibly proficient Katniss was as an archer.
  12. Lasting Leaders Show Grace And Place Relationships Above All Else – After the events at the conclusion of Mockinjay Part 1, Katniss knew she must forgive Peeta and ultimately trust him again.
  13. Leaders Must Be Willing To Personally Sacrifice So Others Can Succeed – “That’s what you and I do – keep each other alive.” – Katniss to Peeta
  14. Tension Is Good – Smart leaders know there are times tension can actually advance an organization.  As mentioned before, the sewer scene is very tense and as good a scene as I have seen this year.
  15. So Goes The Leaders, So Goes The People – People who serve under great leaders with high character are blessed.  People who serve under evil leaders fall under judgement.
  16. To Have Any Lasting Success Leaders Must Have Pure Motives.  The “Why” Matters – Katniss’s mother said, “A thirst for blood is difficult to satisfy.”
  17. Successful Leaders Do Not Confuse Activity With Accomplishment – President Coin told Katniss, “May your aim be as pure as your heart.”  It was.
  18. Decisions And Consequences – You can choose your sin.  However, you do not get to choose its consequences.  All leaders sit down to a banquet of the consequences, good or bad, of their decisions.
  19. Leaders Who Have Sustained Success Think Good Thoughts And Dwell On Positive Things – Katniss concluded the film by saying, “I made a list in my head of the good things I see someone do.”

Once again, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 is a great movie!  Make sure you check it out this weekend.


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.