16 Wonderful Things I Have Learned About Pastors

As a member of INJOY Stewardship SolutionsI have had the privilege of serving pastors for over 13 years.  I have also had the opportunity to forge deep personal relationships with pastors for over 30 years.

From my countless personal interactions with those who bring us God’s Word on a weekly basis, I want to encourage everyone by bringing you 16 Wonderful Things I Have Learned About Pastors:

  1. Pastors Preside Over Life’s Most Significant Moments – Whenever there is a wedding, funeral,graduation or baptism, a pastor is there.
  2. Pastors Love Jesus – Pastors deeply love Jesus, His Word, His church and have dedicated their lives to introducing as many people to Him as possible.
  3. Pastors Love Their Families – Pastors consistently put their families first.  Also, their spouses are their best friends and most trusted advisors.
  4. Pastors Love People – Pastors deeply care about those in their church and city and want the absolute best for them.
  5. Pastors Love People Far More Than Money –  Most pastors are overworked and underpaid.  But their concern for people’s eternal destinies eclipses their desire for proper compensation.  For more on this topic, click Are Pastors Overpaid?.
  6. Pastors Are The World’s Best Communicators – The public speaking skills of pastors is unmatched by those in any industry.
  7. Pastors Have Vision – I have discovered most pastors know exactly where they want their churches to go.  It is communicating the vision with clarity and getting their leaders on board which are the challenge.
  8. Pastors Are Highly Intelligent – Pastors are very bright, highly educated and can intellectually stand toe-to-toe with business leaders.
  9. Pastors Make Great Financial Sacrifices – Most pastors’ education far exceeds their level of compensation.  They could make significantly more in the marketplace.  Yet, they have chosen to spend their lives telling others about Jesus.
  10. Pastors Are Under Great Pressure – Sundays keep coming around every seven days.
  11. Pastors Have Far Too Many Sleepless Nights – Many things keep pastors awake at night.  Just some of the reasons include raising children (just like the rest of us), personal finances (just like the rest of us), job concerns (just like the rest of us), health issues (just like the rest of us), aging parents (just like the rest of us), church debt (not like the rest of us) and what happens if no one shows up this Sunday (not like the rest of us)?
  12. Pastors Constantly Pray For Their People – Pastors have calloused knees because they are constantly going before God on behalf of the needs of their people.
  13. Pastors Are Gracious – It seems as if everyone has an “expert” opinion on what a text of Scripture means and how it should be communicated.  Pastors are consistently patient with these individuals.  The unfortunate reality is sheep bite and they seem to have a taste for pastors.
  14. Pastors Are Humble – When I ask pastors why their church is growing, they often say, “We try to have compelling services, good systems and excellent children’s programming, but the truth is we don’t know where all these people are coming from.”  They are humbled by their growth and give all the credit to Jesus.  For more on this topic, click The #1 Reason Pastors Give Me As To Why Their Churches Are Growing.
  15. Pastors Have Moral Authority – I have consistently found pastors to be the nicest, kindest, friendliest, most caring and Godliest people I know.  Pastors truly are the picture of the desired destination at which others should wish to arrive.
  16. Pastors Are Not Appreciated Nearly As Much As They Should Be – What a pity.

Make sure you show your pastor proper appreciation this Christmas season.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.