Why Your Church’s Baptism Numbers May Be Declining

Are your church’s baptism numbers declining?  Many church leaders I speak with are at a loss as to why.  They are preaching great sermons.  They are doing everything possible to “close the back door.”  Earnest prayers are being sent towards Heaven.  In fact, many pastors and church leaders are working harder than they ever have before.

Those are all GREAT and NECESSARY things but the spiritual transformation in most churches is just not where it needs to be.  There may be a very logical explanation.  The solution may be in our deeds, not our creeds.  Let me explain.

Today, I spent some time with one of the most dynamic spiritual leaders in America.  Dave Adamson is the Social Media Director for North Point Community Church.  His photography and devotions are currently the best thing going on Instagram.  Make sure you check it out at AussieDave.  You will be blown away!

Dave shared some interesting thoughts about the process people are now going through as they discover the love of Jesus Christ and enter a personal relationship with Him.

In the 1960s and 1970s, people first went to Church.  Second, they heard the Gospel message there and came to Christ.  And then third, they saw what the church was doing and got involved in a Cause.  Notice the process:

Church then Christ then Cause

Then, in the 1980s and 1990s, people first heard about Christ and were won to Jesus.  Second, they then found a Church home (often where their friends were) and then got involved in one of the its Causes.  Notice the change in the process:

Christ then Church then Cause

Now in the 2000s, people are often first involved in a Cause.  They are serving the poor and under-resourced.  They are digging wells, cleaning up rubble, helping children, feeding and clothing the needy.  Through this process they are being attracted to the person of Jesus Christ and His love.  They accept Him as their Lord and Savior.  Then they then come to a church.  Notice the current process:

Cause then Christ then Church

People are often now being attracted to Jesus Christ first through Causes.  So the question for pastors and church leaders regarding declining baptisms is what Causes is your church involved in?

  • Sex Trafficking?
  • Homelessness?
  • Clean Water?
  • Foster Care?
  • Homelessness?
  • Illiteracy?
  • Addiction?
  • Hunger?
  • AIDS?
  • Poverty?
  • Racial Reconciliation?
  • Public Health And Wellness?
  • All of the above?
  • Worse, none of the above?

People who are unchurched and far from God are attracted to and getting involved with organizations AND churches who are addressing social justice issues.

Churches who recognize this reality are first, creating pathways for people to get involved in providing solutions.  And in doing so, secondly are introducing them to the One who can meet the greatest social justice need for all of humanity, forgiveness of their sins.

So in your next staff or elders meeting, if the subject of declining baptism numbers is introduced, evaluate your church’s effectiveness in addressing social issues and inviting the unchurched to join you.  You may discover your issue there.

In addition to addressing social issues, nothing helps a church grow faster than better preaching.  Therefore, I want to make you aware of a FREE January 14th online coaching opportunity.  Preach Better Sermons will help you learn sermon prep and delivery from those three and many more of the best preachers in the world.

Sign up here or on the image below. Availability is limited.



Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.