Note from Brian: This is the monthly guest post written by financial author, teacher, and speaker, Joseph Sangl.
I recently posted the following statement on Twitter:
“Some days are for planting seed. Others for harvesting. But MOST DAYS are for preparing, tending, and waiting.”
It raised quite a ruckus and a chorus of people saying, “That’s the truth!”
Anyone who has been involved in gardening or farming knows this fundamental fact. In the spring time, there’s a mad dash to till the soil and get the seed in the ground. In just a few days or weeks, the work is over.
And then we wait. For the seed to germinate and sprout. For the plant to grow.
Occasionally we will need to tend the crop by eliminating weeds and applying fertilizer.
And then we wait for the time to harvest. While waiting, a good leader maintains their equipment by cleaning up the planting implements and preparing the harvesting equipment.
Then another mad dash occurs at harvest time. We work like crazy to get the crops “in the shed” before weather can destroy it.
And then we wait while maintaing the equipment for the next year. We prepare the soil for the next growing season.
The same is true for your finances and in your leadership. There are a few moments where a mad dash of effort and skill will be demanded. But there will be many more moments where all you can do is patiently wait, tend, and prepare.
It’s what you do during the “then we wait” moments that will determine how well you will perform in the “mad dash” times.
Are you preparing for your next mad dash?
We offer more than 100 free financial tools (Personal Note from Brian Dodd – I use these tools for my personal finances) to help you prepare financially for your next mad dash.
About Joseph Sangl: Joseph Sangl is the founder of I Was Broke. Now I’m Not., a financial organization dedicated to equipping people to accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their money. He is the author of several books including I Was Broke. Now I’m Not., Oxen: The Key to an Abundant Harvest, and What Everyone Should Know About Money Before They Enter The Real World.