13 Resources Pastors And Church Leaders Need To Know About

Because of this site and my work with INJOY Stewardship Solutions, I have the privilege of encountering many great Christian leaders who are doing amazing things to advance the Kingdom.  Candidly, I often feel guilty because I cannot give these highly competent leaders all the promotional assistance they and their services deserve.

Therefore, I want to take this opportunity make you aware of a number of quality resources which will make you a better leader.

The following are 13 Resources Pastors And Church Leaders Need To Know About:

FREE Ebook

  • How To Raise Big Money For Big Projects – This is a FREE resource I personally helped develop with the team at INJOY Stewardship.   These are the 4 key success links needed to create cultures of generosity and raise significant capital for projects.  Click HERE for your free copy.

FREE Online Training Conference

  • Preach Better Sermons – Nothing helps you grow a church faster than becoming a better preacher and communicator.  Preach Better Sermons is a FREE Thursday, January 14th online event to help you learn sermon prep and delivery from some of the very best like Perry Noble, Jon Acuff, Derwin Gray, Jeff Henderson and Carey Nieuwhof.  Sign up here.  Availability is limited the date is coming soon.

FREE Financial Tools

  • I Was Broke. Now I’m Not. – Led by Joe Sangl, this organization is helping thousands of people accomplish far more with their personal finances than they ever thought possible.  They are currently offering more than 100 free financial tools for you.  On a personal note, these are the tools I use for my personal finances.

FREE Church Growth Webinar

  • How To Grow A Church 2016 – In this January 28th online event, NewSpring Church’s Brad Cooper will discuss the secret sauce of church growth, the importance of change, the power of the Gospel, the importance of proper facilities and reaching the next generation among other items.  If you are unfamiliar with NewSpring, they were recently recognized as the 2nd fastest growing church in America.  So Brad knows what he is talking about.  Click here to sign up.

FREE Resources

  • “The Path To Church Growth” – This video series by my friends at Church Fuel.  What I like about this organization is they provide insanely practical products for pastors and church leaders at insanely good rates.  The also have written a wonderful FREE Ebook entitled 7 Lessons From 7 Churches.  Click here to download your copy.  What I appreciate about Church Fuel is how much they love pastors.  I know everyone I refer to them will be served well.
  • The Sermon Writing Toolkit – Written by Justin Trapp, this resource will help you create a 7-day system which will relieve stress and give you better illustrations and insights into the Scriptures.


  • The 4 Dimensions Of Extraordinary Leadership by Jenni Catron.  This book also comes with a wonderful leader assessment and focuses on leading from your whole self – heart, soul, mind and strength.  Great book!!!
  • Breathing Room by Josh Reich.  Do you struggled with being overwhelmed as leader and having no margin.  This book is a chance not only to catch your breath, but to find the road to the life you have come to believe is impossible.
  • Quarter-Life Calling: How To Find Your Sweet Spot In Your Twenties by Paul Sohn.  After landing a cushy job at a Fortune 50 company at age 24, Paul is now training millennials how to intentionally live in their vocational sweet spot.

Pastoral Coaching 

  • Courage To Lead – Shawn Lovejoy, the previous Directional Leader of ChurchPlanters.com, has spent 16 years coaching pastors and church leaders in the areas of systems, church health, personal health, and staff alignment.  If your church is having the type of issues which keep you awake at night, click here and reach out to Shawn.  He is as good as they come.
  • Serving Strong – Are you thinking about quitting your church or leaving the ministry?  If so, connect with Scott Couchenour.  He helps pastors and church leaders deal with burnout.  When registering for various options, enter the code dodd and your first month will be refunded.  A conversation with Scott could save your ministry.  Few loves pastors as much as Scott.


  • ReThink Leadership – Held April 27th-29th in the Atlanta area as part of the Orange Conference, ReThink is the best conference pastors and church leaders can attend in 2016!!!  That is a HUGE statement but one I believe to be true.  Carey Nieuwhof and the Orange staff will give you the practical training, tools and resources needed to deal with the most relevant church leadership issues you face.  This conference is for smart pastors looking for solutions and encouragement.  Do not miss this!  It is my Can’t Miss Event Of The Year.


  • MAG Bookkeeping – One of my favorite organizations.  MAG helps busy pastors and growing churches by serving as their virtual church bookkeeper connecting the duties of church accounting and payroll. As a national leader of church bookkeeping services, churches of many sizes call on MAG when critical financial challenges arise.

If you use these services, please let me know how they ministered to you.


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.