18 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From The Finest Hours


Today I saw the new movie The Finest Hours and it is AMAZING!!!  This film is the true story of what is considered the greatest small boat rescue in Coast Guard history.

On February 18th, 1952, heavy winds and waves split the SS Pendleton oil tanker in two.  As a result of other rescue boats already dispatched and because of his faithful commitment to following orders, Boatswain Mate First Class Bernie Webber was called into duty.  He gathered three fellow seaman to join him in a “suicide mission” to rescue engineer Ray Sybert and the Pendleton’s remaining crew.

This is a great movie with incredible production values and only one pointless cuss word.  Go see this heroic story this weekend.  You will have a great time.

The following are 18 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From The Finest Hours:

  1. Great Leaders Show Great Transparency – Webber, played by Chris Pine, told his fiancee Miriam, “We all get scared out there.”
  2. Smart Leaders Give People A Sense Of Security During Times Of Crisis – The Pendleton’s captain and executive officer were killed as a result of the ship splitting.  As a result, Sybert, played by Casey Affleck, was pressed into leadership.  As he struggled with the self-confidence needed to lead a panicked crew, a shipmate advised him, “You know the boat better than anyone…They’ll listen to you…They may not like you but they’ll listen to you.”
  3. There Are Times When Leaders Do Not Have Time To Prepare – A sinking ship does not afford leaders time to “get ready”.  Because of his wisdom and experience, Sybert was prepared to lead.  John Wooden once said, “When opportunity presents itself, it’s too late to prepare.”
  4. A Smart Plan Gives People Confidence In The Leader – Motivational speeches are not enough.  People require a roadmap showing the goal can be achieved.  Sybert did not have a relational foundation with the crew, but as he laid out his plan for survival he gained immediate credibility.
  5. Leaders Must Be Willing To Pay A Heavier Price Than Others – Everyone wants the perks of leadership.  Few are willing to pay the price of leadership.  Webber said, “The Coast Guard says you got to go out.  It doesn’t say you have to come back in.”
  6. Great Leaders Are Not Passive.  They Press Into Issues – Webber was advised by other sailors to take his boat out into the bay, sail around for a few hours pretending to search for the Pendleton, and then return.  Otherwise, they would likely die.  Webber chose instead to press into the issue and attempt to save the crew.
  7. Good Plans Always Hit Unexpected Waves – Sybert’s initial plan for survival was immediately altered when the ship was hit by a rogue wave.  As a leader, have you been hit by a “rogue wave” recently?
  8. Great Leaders Do Not Put Their Team In Harm’s Way – Chief Warrant Officer Daniel Cluff, played by Eric Bagna, sent Webber and his crew on a suicide mission and then refused to call them back in when everyone’s fears were confirmed.
  9. Intuitive Leaders Understand Pace And Timing – What kept Webber and his crew alive as they hit severe waves was knowing when to speed up the boat and when to go into neutral.  As someone who works with churches, the number one mistake I see pastors make in terms of raising money is not understanding pace and timing.  They go into neutral (do nothing or wait too long) rather than press forward.
  10. Great Leaders Have Authority But Are Also Under Authority – It is one of the reasons they utilize their authority so well.  Describing her fiancee, Miriam said, “You know Bernie.  You know he won’t get lost.  You know he follows the rules.”
  11. Successful Leaders Focus On What They Can Control – Sybert told a crewman, “I’m scared too.  I just don’t see the point in sitting around and talking about it.”
  12. Great Leaders Call Their Teams To Greater Levels Of Commitment – One of Webber’s crew said, “Maybe we should just go back?”  To which he responds, “Not on my watch.  Do your job!”
  13. Great Leaders Own The Results.  They Do Their Job. – Miriam was told, “It’s Bernie’s job to go out.”
  14. Great Leaders Are About Others And Their Success – The most successful leaders find their success in the success of others.  Webber said, “We can’t leave them out there alone.”
  15. Great Leaders Make Courageous Decisions – Everyone crosses the finish line together.  Webber continued, “We all live and we will die.”
  16. Great Leaders Are The Last Ones Off The Boat – Sybert was the last person to be rescued from the Pendleton.  Great leaders put the needs of others before themselves.
  17. The World Is Run By Tired Leaders – Both crews were literally exhausted and could barely stay awake as they approached shore.
  18. A Leader Who Does Not Celebrate Is A Leader Not Worth Following – When Webber and all the survivors returned, there was an incredible celebration from the town’s people.  However, Cluff remained back at base.

Once again, this is a great movie.  Make sure you check it out.

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Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1869 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2015 Global Leadership Summit, That Church, REACT and Catalyst Conferences.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.