51 Leadership Quotes From Johnny Hunt On Purity And Self-Control

This weekend I will be live blogging from Johnny Hunt’s Mens Conference.  This has become a must-attend event for me personally as it offers me two days to recharge my leadership batteries coming out of the holiday season.

With over 5,000 men live in attendance and over 50,000 viewing in simulcasts around the world, this year’s theme was Take Aim.  We want to Take Aim at some of the issues that hold us back from becoming the husbands, fathers and leaders Jesus is calling us to be. Wrong thinking. Bad choices. Lack of self control.

The following are 51 Leadership Quotes From Johnny Hunt On Purity And Self-Control:

David Blanton

  1. “I stand here today a sinner saved by the grace of God.”
  2. “I had taken the greatest job in the world and made it the lord of my life.”
  3. “It’s a hard thing to talk about your faults and weaknesses.”
  4. “The enemy is real. And he uses everything in his power to drive us away from God.”

Johnny Hunt – Our Purity: Being and Becoming 2 Peter 1:6

  1. “I want to model generosity…We give over half of our money back to this church and its ministry.”
  2. “I want to touch poverty.”
  3. “How much is enough? Will you put a ceiling on your income and give the rest to Kingdom causes?”
  4. “Everything you want to do for people in Cuba you have to take with you.”
  5. “Not a lady there had pajamas. We ordered over 200 pair of pajamas.”
  6. “You don’t have to be rich to be generous. You have to be generous to be generous.”
  7. “I love to be around men who are honest and vulnerable.”
  8. “I want to be a Godly man, a Godly husband, a Godly friend.”
  9. “The ultimate goal of every believer is Christ-likeness.”
  10. “What God is in the process of doing is making us more like Himself.”
  11. “There is a wisdom that is not from above.”
  12. “Wisdom from above is first pure.”
  13. “Where there is no dream men cast off restraints.”
  14. “One of the things that kept Joseph on target is he had a passion for a dream God put in his heart. And he protected that dream.”
  15. “God wants to do a work in my life but if I don’t have walls up, I become vulnerable.”
  16. “The reason our country feels so vulnerable right now is because our walls are down.”
  17. “If he can’t bring me down you can bet the enemy will go after my wife.”
  18. “I want to be right for Jesus’s sake. I want to be right for Janet’s sake.”
  19. “When you make poor choices, the wall is being lowered. And you become vulnerable for other attacks.”
  20. “The person who lacks self-control is defenseless against temptation. Therefore, no other virtue will last for long.”
  21. “You get self-control right and then your life can emulate a life of integrity.”
  22. “Self-control means moral purity.”
  23. “The greatest challenge on your computer and in your phone is moral purity.”
  24. “Solomon is not remembered for his self-control.”
  25. “The takeaway from Solomon is not the wisdom you know but the wisdom you live.”
  26. “At the end of the day when all is said and done, fear God and keep His Word.”
  27. “Your heart is the reservoir of life.”
  28. “The heart Jesus described in Mark 7 is my heart. It’s your heart.”
  29. “Your thought life will erode your character. When you become impure in your thoughts it will affect every area of your life.”
  30. “Real virtue is the Holy Spirit’s fruit…It is not something we can produce ourselves.”
  31. “The only difference in this room is some have chosen to obey what they know and others have chosen to loosen the restraints.”
  32. “I like fish but I don’t eat the bones. Truth is truth regardless of where it is found.”
  33. “God doesn’t remove the mountains but gives you the strength to climb them or wisdom to go around them.”
  34. “It’s not so much of what you win but what you become.”
  35. “Self-control is absolutely necessary if we’re going to become overcomers.”
  36. “You can’t coast for one day.” – Paige Patterson
  37. “If you ever lose your testimony you’ll be fortunate to live long enough to re-establish it.”
  38. “Sometimes there needs to be a repairing of the alter and the rebuilding of the walls.”
  39. “The fruit of the Spirit is not plastic fruit.”
  40. “Really the One who matters knows what’s going on in your life.”
  41. “If you’re a Christian you’ve got help. The Lord is with you.”
  42. “Vision was keeping him passionate about staying pure.”
  43. “Your heart will outrun your hormones. Or your hormones will outrun your heart.”
  44. “No one could date my daughters unless they asked me. That eliminated most of them.”
  45. “Sin will never be seen right until it is seen as a sin against God.”
  46. “The first you’ve got to settle is your relationship with Jesus.”
  47. “When you get right with God it becomes a lot easier to get right with your wife and kids.”
  48. “God is preparing you for what God has prepared for you.”
  49. “Only Jesus can satisfy the wilderness of your life.”
  50. “Does my soul thirst for God?  If not, there’s not a greater need in your life.”
  51. “I’ve been saved all my life. No you haven’t. There has to be an encounter with God.”

I cannot wait for Johnny’s final session.

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Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1869 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2015 Global Leadership Summit, That Church, REACT and Catalyst Conferences.  Dr. Johnny Hunt provides over 100 of the quotes included.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.