The Wit And Wisdom Of Andy Stanley, Carey Nieuwhof And Other Orange Conference Speakers


The one conference I recommend to pastors and church leaders above all others is the ReThink Leadership event this April 27th and 28th in Atlanta, GA.  Led by Carey Nieuwhof, ReThink is part of the the three-day Orange Conference held the 27th through the 29th.  Click HERE or on the image above to sign up.

These three days better equip pastors for the real issues you face on a daily basis than any event I attend on an annual basis.  To give you a preview of what you can expect, the following are 60 quotes from previous Orange events.  If applied, they will make you a better leader and give you a taste of what you can expect.

The following is The Wit And Wisdom Of Andy Stanley, Carey Nieuwhof And Other Orange Conference Speakers:

Andy Stanley

  1. Me and Sandra are thoroughly satisfied customers as parents of kids who came through this (Orange) model.
  2. What is this generation of students worth? It’s worth everything.
  3. What breaks my heart is in the United States hundreds of thousands wake up on a Sunday and church never crosses their mind.
  4. God uses broken-hearted leaders.
  5. Leaders make things better and that requires change.
  6. “I know what I would like people to line up and thank me for at the end of my life.” – Sandra Stanley
  7. We believe the church should be the safest place on the planet for middle school students to talk about anything.
  8. Sometimes our theology and model gets confused.
  9. How you handle something during a group will determine if you are allowed to handle it after a group.
  10. We want to love his (our son’s) first name more than our last name.

Carey Nieuwhof

  1. If you look at where the church is going, change is going to be on the agenda.
  2. I will be letting a younger generation make more and more calls as I move into my 50s.  They have a better pulse on today’s culture.
  3. Many churches have frozen into a particular year.  Some are in the 50’s.  Some are in the 60’s.  Some contemporary churches are frozen in the 90’s.  They aren’t contemporary anymore.
  4. Only the most selfish people say “I don’t care about the rest of the world.  They can go to hell.”
  5. Most Christians pray for a changed outcome and then pray against any drama necessary to bring the outcome about.
  6. When your church is small you have to be out all the time and cast vision so you don’t have to be out all the time.
  7. Solitude is a gift from God. Isolation is of the enemy.
  8. If you’re a leader and you’re over 40 you’re going to have to work to stay relevant and you’re going to have to work to stay around young leaders.
  9. The most effective strategies to reach the next generation will likely not come from the current generation.
  10. You either put your focus on the people you want to reach or the people you want to keep.

Perry Noble

  1. Parent only care about three things when they bring their  kids to church.  Clean.  Safe.  Fun.
  2. I hear people say, “Fun ain’t the goal.”  Well, Heaven is going to suck for you.
  3. My wife’s ministry in the church is to me.  She can do things for me no one else in the church can do for me.
  4. Opportunity does not equal obligation.
  5. Deep in most church settings means confusing.  A non-Christian has never asked me about going deep.
  6. We’re willing to answer the questions people are asking.  Nobody coming to your church Sunday cares about Calvinism.
  7. Every church planter you meet wants to tell you why their town is the worst place to plant a church.
  8. It’s O.K. if you disagree with the way I do ministry.  There’s two type of questions – Clarification, Condemnation.  You can take the questions on Condemnation and stick them where the sun don’t shine.
  9. You’re tweeting your burger but I’m tweeting someone coming to Jesus.
  10. If you’re doing church right, you offend someone every week.

Jeff Henderson

  1. There are boys in our church and community who have no idea what a positive male Christian role model looks like.
  2. If you want to feel like a celebrity, go to NewSpring and turn on your flashers as a first-time guest.
  3. Job security is tied to killing ministry.  When someone says, “Something isn’t working.  I want to kill it.”  That’s good leadership.  They are more interested in the vision than the ministry.  That’s the person I want to keep.
  4. I would much rather have that conversation (a lesbian couple) than someone who thinks the music is too loud.
  5. When the staff is looking at me and we’ve got to have an answer, I have to say sometimes, “I don’t know” and we still move ahead.
  6. Our roles are very public. People get to see you and I fail and you have to be comfortable with that.
  7. Ministry makes it much more difficult to connect with God.
  8. I’ve even found myself evaluating weddings.
  9. There is a connection between your physical disciplines and your spiritual disciplines.
  10. You are driving home to your most important ministry.

Derwin Gray

  1. I am the epitome of the America Dream.  But that dream can’t fill the hole in my soul.
  2. In the NFL character was secondary to gifting.  In the church I’m afraid we do the same thing.
  3. What type of culture have we created that being humble as a pastor is rare?
  4. I love systems.  I love processes.  But I love making me into His image more.
  5. We have so many resources in ministry we may get good at ministry and the Holy Spirit may not even be there.
  6. The Holy Spirit does not come if the music gets louder.
  7. I hope you have someone in your life who is not impressed with you…Worship ain’t designed for man.
  8. Everybody’s angry about the Donald Sterling guy but every weekend in America Sunday is the most segregated time in America.
  9. Transformation Church is not a church for cool people but all people.
  10. We can define ourselves in ministry by outward success.  How do you treat the janitor?

Mark Batterson

  1. It’s not about numbers.  It’s not about statistics.  When you hear that one story of that one person’s life who has been transferred by the grace of God, that’s what keeps you going.
  2. I want to be famous to my kids.
  3. My definition of success – When those you know you best respect you most.
  4. Number your gratitudes.  #1 is my sin is nailed to the cross.  We still live as if Jesus is nailed to the cross.  He’s not.  My sin is nailed to the cross.
  5. The Mark I am right now is not the Mark that needs to lead this church two years from now.
  6. I love the Word of God.  One of my biggest regrets over the last 18 years is I didn’t spend enough time in His Word apart from preparing sermons.
  7. Leaders are readers.  A book is worth about two years worth of life experience.
  8. I remembering preaching to 12 people when I was in college…I remember the church having seven pews.  What visionary built this church?..But I’d (still) stay up to 2 or 3 in the morning because I needed a word from God.
  9. I’d rather have one God idea than 1000 good ideas.
  10. The one thing you can’t delegate is prayer.

As you can see, this is why I recommend this conference to all pastors and church leaders.  Click HERE for more information and sign up today!

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Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1869 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2015 Global Leadership Summit, That Church, REACT and Catalyst Conferences.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.